More than 200 students participate in the local phase of the Olympiad of Philosophy, held at the University of Navarra.
They competed in 3 categories: moral dilemmas, essay and philosophical photography.

The School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra has hosted the local phase of the XIII edition of the Olympiad of Philosophy. A total of 211 students in 3rd and 4th ESO and 1st and 2nd ESO, from 24 schools in Navarra, participated in the local phase of the 13th edition of the Olympiad of . high school diplomabelonging to 24 schools in Navarra, participated in one of the three categories: moral dilemmas, essay and philosophical photography.
The written test corresponding to the dilemmas and essays was held on February 23 with the participation of 145 students, who had to comment on two short texts by Lipovetsky and Dumazedier on leisure. In addition, during the workshop, the 45 photographic proposals presented were exhibited.
The organizers point out that this XIII edition has broken a record of participation with respect to previous years. Alejandro Martínez Carrasco, professor of Philosophy of the University of Navarra and member of the organizing committee , has expressed that this increase "shows the enthusiasm and effort that the professors of Philosophy put into getting their students excited about this discipline. In addition, the young people themselves have experienced that Philosophy is not only within the reach of a few, but that everyone can reflect on and contribute solutions to the challenges of our time".
These have been the participating schools: Calasanz Escolapios, Escuela de Arte y Superior de design de Pamplona, IES Alhama Corella, IES Barañáin, IES Basoko, IES Benjamín de Tudela, IES Eunate, IES Ibaialde, IES Navarro Villoslada, IES place de la Cruz, IES Sarriguren, IES Valle del Ebro, IESO Valle del Aragón, La Compasión Escolapios, Liceo Monjardín, Lizarraldea BHI, Luis Amigó, Miravalles-El Redín, Nuestra Señora del Huerto, Sagrado Corazón, San Cernin, San Ignacio, Santa Teresa, Vedruna.
The submission awards ceremony will be held on March 22 at the University of Navarra.
The Olympiad of Philosophy, which counts with the partnership of Kukuxumusu, the publishing house Chair , Librerías Troa, the department of Education of the Government of Navarra, and the high school Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados de Navarra, seeks to encourage reflection, critical thinking and dialogue in young people, as well as to consolidate and complement the contents of philosophical subjects. It also seeks to establish links between the teachers of Philosophy of Navarra and to create spaces of communication between the teaching superior and the teaching secondary school.