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Testimonials from graduates of School of Pharmacy

Graduates of School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra tell their professional experience after training in our classrooms.

23/03/10 15:50
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Dámaso Molero Dámaso Molero (Pharmacy '83)
Director General 3P Biopharmaceutical

"The degree program of Pharmacy, specialization program Industrial, has allowed me to develop my professional practice with a wide versatility in the technical areas and management. Combining knowledge in "life sciences" with specialties in the field of Chemistry and industrial processes".
Matias Avila Matías Ávila (Pharmacy '88)
Dr. in Pharmacy. Full Professor e researcher del laboratory de Hepatology Biochemistry del CIMA

"The Degree in Pharmacy provided me with the best possible training to develop a professional degree program in the field of biomedical research ".
Carlos González Carlos González (Pharmacy'02)
partner Founder of Ojer Pharma Laboratories

"The pharmacist is undoubtedly one of the most demanded profiles in the Pharmaceutical Industry. It is a professional especially valued within the sector, as he/she can occupy middle and senior level positions in areas as important as research and development, quality, manufacturing, marketing and sales."
 Maite Agueros Maite Agueros (Pharmacy'02)
Ph.D. in Pharmacy. Postdoctoral Researcher University of Navarra

"The great advantage of the pharmacist as researcher is his great ability to connect, in a logical way, the basic research with the clinical research . We are very versatile and highly trained professionals to face the great challenges posed by biomedical research ".
 Tomás Maira Tomás Maira (Pharmacy '94)
Doctor of Pharmacy. Assistant Professor Harvard Medical School

"I work as a full time researcher developing vaccine candidates against highly antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens. The degree of Pharmacy has given me an invaluable background which has proven to be essential to undertake both my research and teaching activities with full confidence".
 Itziar Fernandez Itziar Fernández (Pharmacy '99)
PERFORM Project Manager ServierLaboratories

"I hold a position of responsibility as Head of project of research and development dedicated to the implementation and development of international clinical trials".




