The University is the second best in Spain according to the CYD ranking.
The University excels in "International Orientation", "research", and "teaching and Learning".

FotoManuelCastells/Students at Main Library of the University of Navarra.
23 | 05 | 2023
The University of Navarra is the second best university in Spain according to the CYD ranking, after obtaining 28 indicators from high performing out of the 36 possible in this classification. This is the most complete ranking of Spanish universities at present due to the issue of participants and the most exhaustive in terms of the issue of indicators analyzed. It evaluates a total of 80 Spanish universities, 93% of the institutions that offer university education at Degree , of which 48 are public and 32 are private.
According to report, the first in Spain would be the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which obtains an indicator of high performing more (29) than the University of Navarra. The University of Navarra is, according to CYD, the first private university of the thirty analyzed.
The CYD ranking analyzes Spanish universities with 36 indicators, divided into five areas: teaching and Learning, research, Transfer of knowledge, International Orientation and Contribution to development Regional. In these areas, the University of Navarra is first in Spain in International Orientation (tied with another university) for obtaining all the indicators of high performing, such as degrees in another language, mobility of students, internships abroad or thesis international doctoral programs.
In addition, it is second in research (tied with four other universities), thanks to its good performance in income from research, publications per professor or the impact of these academic articles, among other values. Finally, the University of Navarra is third in teaching and Learning (tied with three other universities), for its fees graduation, success or performance, among other indicators.
Navarra, on the podium of university performance
By regions, the ranking places the Comunidad Foral de Navarra as the community with the highest performance indicators (28), together with Catalonia (with 28) and followed by the Basque Country (23). Navarra is first in Spain in teaching and Learning, research and International Orientation, and third in Transfer of knowledge.
To prepare the ranking, CYD has analyzed the information provided by the university itself, the Integrated University Information System (SIIU), the Bursar's Office General Social Security, the bibliographic instructions Scopus and WoS and PATSTAT patents.