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University professor Modesto Santos, emeritus professor of Ethics and Sociology, dies

He was Associate Dean of research of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy and professor of the School of Philosophy and Letters.


23 | 05 | 2024

On May 22, Professor Modesto Santos, who worked in the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy and in that of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra, died in Pamplona. He was 88 years old. Born in Fuencaliente, Ciudad Real (1935), he was ordained a priest in June 1960. He received his bachelor's degree (1967) and doctorate (1972) in Philosophy from the University.

In 1969 he began to teach the subjects of Ethics and Sociology at the School of Philosophy and Letters. Between 1981 and 1983 he moved to Murcia to direct the department of Ethics and Sociology at the University of Murcia. Upon his return to Pamplona, he was appointed Deputy Director of the department of Philosophy internship , position which he held until 1997 when the department was integrated into that of Philosophy. He also taught teaching at the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy, where he was Associate Dean and director of research.

He directed courses at doctorate and lectured as Visiting Professor in several Spanish and foreign universities. He is the author of several books, including: Ética y Philosophy. Historical-critical study or Ethical dilemmas of current medicine. After his retirement, in 2005, he received the appointment of Professor Emeritus of the School of Philosophy y Letras.

Sergio Sánchez-Migallón, Associate Dean of the Ecclesiastical School Philosophy , remembers that Professor Santos "was a person core topic in the early days of School. His untiring generosity and affable friendship encouraged both the young professors who were joining us and many students. He was always attentive to others, sincerely concerned about the circumstances of each person, with a great supernatural sense".

César Izquierdo, former professor at School of Theology, points out: "Professor Modesto Santos was a rigorous intellectual and a very faithful priest. In him, both aspects constituted a mission statement that lived in full harmony. He was a firm defender of reason at a time when it was suffering the onslaught of an accommodating vision of truth, and at the same time he was endowed with a great simplicity of heart that he maintained until the end of his life. He was an amiable conversationalist, endowed with a fine sense of humor, always willing to make himself position of the tasks that the university needed".

César Izquierdo also adds that Professor Santos was called to collaborate with the Spanish Episcopal lecture in the defense of the family and life. "Along with his academic work , he dedicated much time and energy to his priestly work. This is well known to the parishioners of the parish of Santa Vicenta Maria, in Pamplona, where he collaborated daily as long as his strength allowed him to do so".



