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A group of benefactors visited on May 24 the Ecclesiastical Schools and the seminar International Bidasoa

24 | 05 | 2024

About 30 benefactors of the Roman Academic Center Foundation (CARF) visited on Friday, May 24, the campus of Pamplona of the University. Along the workshop they could know the Ecclesiastical Schools and the seminar International Bidasoa, where the seminarians and priests are formed to whom they provide financial aid economic for fill in its training. Throughout this academic year 2023/24, the CARF Foundation has allocated a total of 2,385,800 euros.

During the visit, besides being able to personally greet some of the students who receive this economic financial aid , they had a meeting with the Dean of the School of Theology, Gregorio Guitián, who on behalf of the three ecclesiastical Schools , thanked them for the work they do and stressed the importance of this work. Thanks to them, this year 206 priests and seminarians from 44 different countries are doing their programs of study in Schools Ecclesiastical of the University of Navarra.

At meeting, they were also able to hear the first-hand testimony of two students from the University who are being trained thanks to the financial aid provided by this foundation.

The CARF Foundation was born in 1989 under the impulse of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, so that priests and seminarians from all over the world receive a solid theological, human and spiritual preparation at the Ecclesiastical Schools of the University of Navarra and at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). Every year, more than 6,000 benefactors make this possible. 



