Carlos Mata and Rafael Zafra, from GRISO, participate in the academic conference of the "V Festival de Autos Sacramentales" (V f.AU-S) held in Almagro.
These meetings aim to recover the genre of the auto sacramental for today's stages.

FotoCedida/CarlosMata, Norton Palacio, Rafael González Cañal, Ana Suárez Miramón, Amparo Izquierdo, Rafael Zafra, Antonio León and Fernando Gómez Cabia (UNED).
24 | 06 | 2022
From 16 to 18 June, the Espacio Escénico Iglesia de las Bernardas de Almagro (Ciudad Real), hosted the academicconference of the "V Festival de Autos Sacramentales" (V f.AU-S). Organised by the Fundación Teatro Corral de Comedias de Almagro, at partnership with the group de research Teatro Clásico Español (GITCE) of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the School de Philosophy y Letras of the Universidad de Navarra and the Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia (UNED), these meetings have as goal to recover the genre of the auto sacramental for today's stages.
The programme included seven papers and a roundtable on the renaissance/revival of the auto sacramental in our times. Representing GRISO were Carlos Mata, with a discussion paper entitled "Caupolicán-Cristo en el auto sacramental La Araucana, traditionally attributed to Lope de Vega and more recently to Andrés de Claramonte", and Rafael Zafra, who spoke on "Las loas sacramentales: parte fundamental de la fiesta teatral del Corpus".
visit The academic sessions were completed with a guided tour of the Corral de Comedias and other theatrical spaces in Almagro. There was also a performance of the "Loa al auto sacramental", by Nortan Palacio, of the Fundación Teatro Corral de Comedias de Almagro and coordinator of meeting, at position by the actors Antonio León and Norton P. Furthermore, the attendees could visit the photographic exhibition "El Corpus Christi en Almagro", which will be sample until 2 October 2022 at the Espacio Escénico Iglesia de las Bernardas, headquarters of the Fundación Teatro Corral de Comedias de Almagro.