Ignacio Arellano, director of the GRISO, participates in the XLIV conference de Teatro Clásico de Almagro
His discussion paper, which opened the conference, was dedicated to Calderón's The Constant Prince

FotoCedida/IgnacioArellano, director of GRISO, with several of the speakers of the XLIV conference of Classical Theater of Almagro and the director of the same, Rafael González Cañal (University of Castilla-La Mancha).
24 | 08 | 2021
conference On July 13-15, 2009, the XLIV Almagro Classical Theater Festival took place at the Palace of the Counts of Valdeparaíso in Almagro (Ciudad Real), dedicated this year to "The Iberian Golden Age: Portugal and the Spanish Classical Theater".
The conference, which are part of the program of the Almagro Classical Theater Festival, directed by Professor Rafael González Cañal, were organized by the high school Almagro de Teatro Clásico and the group of research Spanish Classical Theater (GITCE) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), in partnership with the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival Foundation and the Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha, and had the scientific endorsement of the association International Golden Century ( AISO).
Professor Ignacio Arellano, director of group of research Siglo de Oro (GRISO), offered the first of the conferences of the conference, under the title degree scroll "Let's go to the eternal: Calderón's Constant Prince and the paths of disillusionment".