The School of Nursing celebrates the workshop of Parents
The event served to present the offer professor, the extracurricular activities and the project of training of the School
PHOTO: Rocío Núñez
Last February 22 the School of Nursing held the workshop of Parents, a meeting that aimed to give an overview of the Study program and allowed to show the facilities of the center, as well as to meet the teachers and mentors of the students.
The event, which was attended by about 100 parents, began with welcoming remarks by Professor Maribel Saracíbar. Together with her, Ana Choperena, Vice-Dean of Students, enumerated the challenges and challenges of the students and presented the academic performance of the first semester.
The families were then able to learn about the academic and extracurricular activities offered by School and the University, such as the Leadership, research and teaching and International Nursing Program diplomas, the Healthyclassroom initiatives, international exchanges or the volunteer activities options.
The workshop concluded with a roundtable in which two former students and a current student participated. Through their testimony, parents were able to learn about the professional development their children can opt for. "It is important to make the most of the opportunities offered by the University and to be very proactive," said Fernando Gárate, a 4th year student. Doctoral student Teresa Gutiérrez-Alemán emphasized how at School the focus of care is on the person; and in this sense, Blanca Lizarraga, also a former student, said that "studying at School Nursing leaves its mark on you as a nurse".
In closing, parents and teachers shared an aperitif where they were able to get to know each other and resolve doubts.