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José Bernal gives the seminar of Canon Law "Normas especiales de la curia romana en subject penal".

25/04/13 12:04
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Professor José Bernal
PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Professor José Bernal gave a seminar of professors of the School of Canon Law on April 18, 2013, under the degree scroll 'Special rules of the Roman Curia in subject penal'.

Professor Bernal began his intervention by contextualizing the norms on delicta graviora of the Congregation for the Doct rine of the Faith, and theSchools Special granted to the Congregation for the Clergy and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. He dwelt on both substantive and procedural aspects. He also sought to highlight some points common to all of them, critically evaluating them.

Finally, he raised some questions about the future prospects of such norms in view of the future reform of the Criminal Law Canonical.



