Celia and Elena: in the heart of Artichoke
Both are students of Master's Degree in research and development+i de Medicamentos (MIDI) and have won the first edition of the Innovation Fast Track of the University of Navarra.
Elena Lucas and Celia Martí (Biochemistry 16) (Master's Degree MIDI 2017) have not yet finished their specialization in the Master's Degree in research, development e Innovación de Medicamentos (MIDI) of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition and have already had the opportunity to be trained in different dynamics of entrepreneurship and have also won the first edition of Innovation Fast Track, an initiative promoted by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Navarra. Their proposal, Artichoke, is a biodegradable gel capsule that is placed inside the shower head to reduce the use of plastics in packaging and thus contribute to environmental conservation.
- How did project Artichoke come about and how did the integration of students from different disciplines into a team that has worked so well?
Celia(C): We created the team in the first workshops of the Innovation Fast Track program. We partnered with people from different training to have different points of view. From there, in a brainstorming session and after several Skype meetings, we came up with the idea of Artichoke, among many other disparate proposals.
- What would you say are the strengths of the Innovation Fast Track dynamics?
C: The initiation to entrepreneurship and the development of new ideas. It is also fundamental the dynamics of work at group.
Elena (E): For me, the workshops have been result key, as we have learned to develop an idea, to work in a team multidisciplinary, to coordinate with people with very different opinions, to work at a distance -two members of group study at Tecnun and the rest of us are from different autonomous communities-. I also value very much how this initiative helps you financial aid to organize yourself, to know how to plan the work and to combine everything, in our case, with Master's Degree.
- How do you consider that Master's Degree MIDI is preparing you to have an entrepreneurial mindset?
C: This is certainly a point in MIDI's favor, not only because of its innovative content, but also because it requires constant teamwork work .
E: In addition, we are learning how to manage projects through the different subjects and some of them are very oriented to have a basis for entrepreneurship.
- What would you say are the two strengths of postgraduate program as a labor market-oriented training ?
C: I would highlight the dynamics of group and the organization.
E: I would highlight the specialization it offers and the way of work, very different from a degree program.
- What plans do you have when the end of Master's Degree comes this year?
C: In principle, I want to look for work and continue thinking about the business model of our idea.
E: I also aspire to find a work that I like in one of the multiple outlets offered by Master's Degree and continue, in parallel, with the development of our idea.