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Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name (June 2013)

25/06/13 07:40

Academic staff

José Ángel García Cuadrado has been named Full Professor in the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy. In the School of Theology, José Alviar has been appointed Full Professor and Fermín Labarga,  Professor.




Professor Tomás Trigo has collaborated in the film 'What is life all about? The film, a documentary on the existence of God, introduces the most relevant topics of human life, such as the origin of the world, miracles, the meaning of pain... Specialists from all over the world answer these questions from physics, reason and spirituality.



PhD dissertations

In June, three doctoral thesis have been defended in the School of Theology: 'La fundamentación teológica de la moral social en los manuales postconciliares', by Alejandro Córdova Suárez; 'La dignidad del embrión humano preimplantatorio. Historia de un discussion teológico-científico', by Joaquín Huarte Muniesa; and 'La virginidad cristiana en Cipriano de Cartago', by José María Esteban Cruzado.




Ronald S. Gillis (Boston, 1941), former student of the School of Canon Law and priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei, has died. The funeral Mass took place at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, in Arlington (USA). For more information, please visit.





Juan Belda, PhD in Theology from the University of Navarra, has published the book Grandes personajes del Siglo de Oro español (Palabra), in which he reviews this historical period through the biographical sketches of illustrious figures such as the Duke of Alba, Juan de Ávila, Cardinal Cisneros, Fray Luis de León, Ignacio de Loyola, Angonio de Nebrija, Teresa de Jesús...






Activities outside the campus

Antonio Aranda pronounced the lecture 'Faith and reason in the intellectual work ' in the 33 congress for university teachers and researchers 'Pensare da cristiani. Fede & ragione nel lavoro intellettuale'. It was organized by the Rui Foundation in Carate Urio (Italy).



Pablo Blanco presented the discussion paper 'Creation, nature and ecology. The Bundestag Speech according with Joseph Ratzinger's Theology', at the congress Ins Herz geschrieben. Die Grundlagen des freiheitlichen Rechsstaates, at the Katholische Universität Pázmány Péter, which took place in Budapest.




Carmen José Alejos made a research stay in the Vatican Secret file and in the Vatican Apostolic Library Services on the occasion of a project in which she participates with other experts from Mexican universities on religious freedom in the Mexican religious conflict of the 1920s.




José Manuel Giménez Amaya stayed at the University of Oxford. At the British campus he visited Harris Manchester College and the Iam Ramsey Institute (IRI), where he met with the director of the research of the latter, Andrew Pinsent, and with researcher Ignacio Silva.




Fermín Labarga participated as speaker in the XXXIII National conference of Diocesan Heritage Delegates, 'New Evangelization and Migrations'. They were organized in Santiago de Compostela by the Cultural Heritage Commission of the Spanish Episcopal lecture .




Javier Sánchez-Cañizares gave a seminar of Institute for Culture and Society (project Mind-brain), graduate 'Is Quantum Mechanics relevant to the mind-brain problem?'.







