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University medical students raise funds to research male diseases

They join the 'Movember' movement to raise 3,000 euros for research for prostate and testicular cancer, among others.

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group of medical students from the University of Navarra who have joined the 'Movember' movement. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
25/11/19 16:41 Miguel Angel Echavarri

Students from School of Medicine at the University of Navarra are joining, for the second consecutive year, the 'Movember' movement (an anglicism that arises from combining the words moustache and november), an international social initiative that consists of growing a moustache during the month of November in order to raise awareness about male diseases. "It was born out of our passion for medicine and the values it represents. We are not doctors yet, but we want to raise awareness of these diseases and help people to better understand some of their aspects," says Iker Elosua, one of the promoters of this initiative.

In addition to the social awareness that the mustaches give off at a glance, the movement 'Movember Unav' seeks to raise funds for the research. To this end, the students have opened a crowdfunding campaign through the Internet with which they hope to reach 3,000 euros. Those interested in collaborating can do so at

"This year we have decided to donate all the proceeds to the Movember Foundation, an entity dedicated to financing projects that promote men's health globally: research for prostate and testicular cancer; programs focused on men's mental health; and actions to combat physical inactivity," explains Elosua. Since its inception, the foundation has funded more than 1,000 programs to improve men's health.

In the previous edition, the 'Movember Unav' movement managed to raise 2,201 euros thanks to individual donations, and musical and sports activities in which students from different centers of campus participated. The money was used for research on prostate cancer because of its high social impact. "On this occasion, we wanted to broaden our horizons and raise awareness of men's health in a comprehensive way," adds Iker Elosua. "We believe that we cannot talk about promote and improve men's health if we ignore mental health and physical inactivity, and that is why we wanted to cover these areas with our initiative."

The Movember movement started in Melbourne in 2003, when two friends decided to start a challenge that involved growing a mustache in November, and not shaving once. Although it also had aesthetic and humorous purposes, its ultimate goal was to raise money to fight diseases related to men's health.



