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Professionals at the service of management cultural and organizations

The XIII Forum of Humanities

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Miren Balda, Betisa San Millán, Alejandra Silva, Imanol Izco and Iñaki Urricelqui during the roundtable 'management cultural and Education cultural'. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
26/03/14 16:09 Carmen Llamas

On March 20, the XIII Forum of Humanities was held under the degree scroll "Humanities: a Degree for the 21st century", organized by the committee of Management of Humanities and the final year students of Degree. Ignacio Cristóbal, director of Human Resources of the company, and Javier Viar, of Human Resources of the company, and Javier Viar, of Human Resources of the company, participated in the forum. Clínica Universidad de Navarraand Javier Viar, director of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum.

Ignacio Cristóbal gave a lecture in which he highlighted the new lines of action in the Personnel Management Service in organizations. Javier Viar's discussion paper provided an in-depth knowledge of the Museo de Bellas Ares in Bilbao as a mixed foundation, as well as its future projects, among which is a partnership with the Museo Universidad de Navarra.

In the afternoon, after the presentation of the youth association L&T by Paula Aguadero, first year student, two round tables took place with alumni of Humanities: one focused on the management cultural, with the participation of Miren Balda, Imanol Izco, Betisa San Millán and Iñaki Urricelqui, and the other on management in organizations, with the presence of María Lacunza, Rosa Morante and Juan Vázquez. These round tables served to present the accredited specialization in management Cultural and Heritage and the pathway in management in Organizations, professional specializations of the Degree at Humanities.

The Forum was attended by students from the different courses of Degree at Humanities, who were able to dialogue with professionals from the world of cultural management and business. They offered their point of view on different issues such as the relationship between museums and society, the organization of Cultural Activities Office or the versatility of a graduate in Humanities in the field of organizations.



