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Identifying micromammals and censusing fish in the Sadar River, 2 of the 5 workshops of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra in the 2019 Biomarathon.

The academic center, together with Terrabiota and other Navarre institutions, joins this citizen science action in which 160 cities around the world are participating.

Image description
From left to right, Maialen Galina, from Terrabiota, between Nora Escribano and David Galicia, who teach the micromammals workshop.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
26/04/19 15:04 Laura Juampérez

From Friday, April 26 and until next Monday, April 29, the Science Museum University of Navarra collaborates -coordinated by Terrabiota-Living Science- in the Biomarathon 2019 City Nature Challenge, an initiative born in 2016 in the USA that has expanded to 160 cities around the world. During its celebration, the academic campus has organized five workshops to identify microinvertebrates and insects or conduct a census of the fish of the Sadar River, taught by professors and researchers of the science area .

Pamplona is among the participating cities for the first time , along with Madrid, Barcelona and Banyoles. The action has as goal to involve citizens (scientists and non-scientists) in taking data on the biodiversity of their cities, through photos and / or audio recordings of animals, plants, fungi and other organisms, which are then uploaded to the platform Natusfera.

Contributions to the biodiversity of the environment

The observations -which can be taken day and night from April 26th to April 29th at 11:59 p.m.- will be limited to . will be limited to area of Pamplona and the municipalities of Ansoáin, Aranguren, Barañáin, Beriáin, Berrioplano, Berriozar, Burlada, Cendea de Cizur, Echauri, Valle de Egüés, Ezcabarte, Galar, Huarte, Juslapeña, Noáin (Valle de Elorz), Oláibar, Cendea de Olza, Orcoyen, Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta, Villava, Zabalza and Zizur Mayor (the limits of the area for participation can be consulted on the Natusfera website). For the data to be part of the project it is necessary to upload them to the Natusfera website before May 5. The winning city of the Biomarathon will be the one that contributes the most data on the biodiversity of its environment.

The Biomarathon Pamplona 2019 is promoted and organized by Terrabiota-Ciencia Viva. In addition to the Science Museum of the University of Navarra, the Public University of Navarra, the Aranzadi Science Society, Gurelur-Navarre Fund for the Protection of the Natural Environment, Muskari Rastros and IES Zizur Mayor also collaborate in the event by coordinating excursions, talks and workshops.

The 5 workshops at the Science Museum, in detail

Friday 26th
Identification of Micromammals

Time: 9:00 to 10:30.
Place: Campus of the University of Navarra.
Point of meeting: Central Building (outside).
Number of places: 10.
Description: Review of traps and explanation of the methods of study, characteristics and biology of the species of micromammals of our territory.
coordinator: David Galicia

Saturday 27th
Fish census in the river Sadar

Time: 12:00 to 14:00
Place: Campus of the University of Navarra.
Point of meeting: Acella Landa Bridge (stone bridge next to the road to Cizur Menor).
Number of places: 15.
Description: Activity internship in which the fish fauna of the river Sadar will be censused.
coordinatorRafael Miranda

Sunday 28th
Identification of Micromammals

Time: 9:00 to 11:00.
Place: Campus of the UNAV.
Point of meeting: Central Building (outside).
Number of places: 10.
Description: Review of traps and explanation of the methods of study, characteristics and biology of the species of micromammals of our territory.
coordinator: David Galicia

Monitoring of insects and other arthropods
Time: 11:00 to 14:00.
Place: Campus UNAV.
Point of meeting: Next to sports center of the University of Navarra (see the exact point on the map).
Number of places: Free.
Description: Monitoring with non-lethal traps of flying insects and other terrestrial arthropods.
coordinatorEnrique Baquero

Monday 29:
Sampling and observation of Microorganisms.

Time: 16:30 - 20:00.
Place: Campus of the UNAV.
Point of meeting: Hall of the building El Hexagon Building (Science Ed.).
Number of places: 15.
Description: Practical workshop in which different samples will be collected from the Campus to observe and identify protozoa and other microorganisms in the laboratory.
coordinator: Ignacio López-Goñi

To attend to the workshops for which there are still vacancies, please call 010 (Pamplona's Citizen Service telephone number) or 948420100.



