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A researcher of the Max Plank Institute edits a book in report of Mariano Artigas, pioneer of the intellectual discussion between science and religion in Spain.

11 experts from England, USA, Canada, Italy, Spain and Germany, including 4 members of the CRYF of the University of Navarra, will participate.

26/09/11 09:22
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Jaume Navarro, researcher of the high school Max Plank for the History of Science (Germany), has edited a book on report of Mariano Artigas, pioneer of the intellectual discussion between science and religion in Spain, first Dean of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy of the University of Navarra and founder of the group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith' (CRYF).

In addition to Jaume Navarro, the Issue Science and Faith within Reason. Reality, Creation, Life and Design, three other members of the CRYF collaborate: Santiago Collado, Deputy Director of the group; Marie I. George, Professor of the department of Philosophy at St. John's University (USA); and Rafael A. Martínez, Dean of the School of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy).

Seven other internationally recognized experts in the field of the relationship between science and faith are also participating: Roger Trigg, from the Universities of Warwick and Oxford (England); Robert A. Delfino, from St. John's University (USA); William E. Carroll, from Oxford University; Martinez J. Hewlett, from the University of Arizona (USA); Jitse M. Van der Meer, from Redeemer University (Canada); Jitse M. Van der Meer, from Redeemer University (Canada); and Robert A. Delfino, from St. John's University (USA). Carroll, Oxford University; Martinez J. Hewlett, University of Arizona (USA); Jitse M. Van der Meer, Redeemer University (Canada); Steve Fuller, University of Warwick; and Karl Giberson, Eastern Nazarene College (USA).

The origin, a congress in London

According to Jaume Navarro, the book exposes the deeper philosophical foundations underlying some of the most common questions at the border between science and religion, such as the reality of knowledge, and the notions of creation, life and design. From agreement with the work of Mariano Artigas, it is intended to emphasize that these are not only scientific or religious questions but also philosophical ones.

This work, published by Ashgate, has its origin in an international congress held in London, in May 2011, as a tribute to Professor Artigas. It was attended by 40 specialists from Europe, Canada and the U.S.A. It was organized by the Thomas More Institute and the CRYF.



