Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2014)
Emotional culture and identity
Claudia Wassmann participated in the 'Training Workshop on Personnel Management in the Academic Environment for the Enhancement of Female Leadership', held at the University of Mannheim (Germany).
Public discourse
Cristóbal Pagán gave the session 'Composition in Performance: Construction Grammar and Oral Formulaic Poetry' at the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, held at the University of Osnabrück (Germany) on 6 September 2014.
Jan Zienkowski attended the CDA20+ Symposium at the University of Amsterdam on September 8-9.
Luis Galván offered the discussion paper 'Ambiguity and heteroglossia in the Coplas a la muerte de su padre de Jorge Manrique: el speech de la muerte' at the V International congress of the SEMYR held at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos from September 24 to 26.
Sira Hernández Corchete presented the communication 'Evolución de la advertising institucional gráfica de las Fuerzas Armadas. De la cultura del reclutamiento a la Cultura de Defensa' at the I congress Internacional de programs of study Militares, which took place at the University of Granada from 17 to 19 September.
Ramón González and Carmen Llamas participated in the summer course 'Escribir bien para entenderse mejor: recursos y normas para redactar con eficacia y corrección' at the University of La Rioja. The former spoke on September 11 on 'The "architecture" of the written speech : mechanisms of connection and informative structuring' and the latter intervened on September 8 with the discussion paper 'The idiomatic correction: frequent informative normative errors'.
Concepción Martínez Pasamar attended the meeting International Scientific Meeting of the network CHARTA, which took place in Alcalá de Henares on September 4 and 5.
Dámaso Izquierdo presented together with Patrick Dendale the paper 'The Status of the Notion Of (Non-)Commitment in Empirical Studies on French Evidential Markers' at the International Workshop 'Commitment Phenomena Through the Study of Evidential Markers in Romance Languages', held at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) on September 4 and 5.
Alberto de Lucas gave the session 'Argumentation and informative structure in the reproduction of someone else's speech ' at the XXIX congress of the association de Jóvenes Lingüistas, held at the University of Murcia from September 3 to 5.
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Several researchers from project participated in the XXXII meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology held in Alicante from 3 to 5 September. Silvia Carlos, Jokin de Irala, Cristina López del Burgo and Alfonso Osorio presented together with Miguel Ángel Martínez González, from department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University, and Eduardo Burgueño, Clèment Passabosc, Adolphe Ndarabu and León Tshilolo, from Monkole Hospital Center (Kinshasa), the communication 'Male condom use and HIV transmission in Kinshasa (D.R. Congo): a case-control study'. On the other hand, Arantza Albertos, Alfonso Osorio, Cristina López del Burgo, Silvia Carlos, Carlos Beltramo and Jokin de Irala presented the communication 'Parental supervision and adolescent behaviors'.
Jokin de Irala and Carlos Beltramo gave several courses at training under the degree scroll 'Education affective and virtues through the program Quiero Querer'. Specifically, they gave five sessions for teachers and another staff professor of Primary and ESO at high school Irabia (Pamplona) on September 1 and 4 and six sessions for teachers and another staff professor of Primary at high school Izaga (Pamplona) on September 5.
group 'Mind-brain'
José Ignacio Murillo was one of the keynote speakers at the international congress 'Spirits in Time. Person, Action and Culture in Leonardo Polo's Ethics', organized by the high school of Philosophy Leonardo Polo at partnership with the Chair of Business Ethics of IESE Business School on September 29 at campus in Madrid.
Fran Güell participated in the 16th World Congress of Psychiatry , held in Madrid from 14 to 18 September, with the work 'Pre-dispositional Constitution and Dispositional Plasticity as a Conceptual Framework in Neuropsychiatric Research'.
Nat Barrett offered the invited lecture 'The Symbolic Species and Its Predicaments: A Semiotic Perspective on Human Uniqueness' at the seminar of research 'Human Specificity: Evolution, Neuroscience, and Theology', held at the Pontificia Universita Antonianum (Rome) from September 25-27.
Natural law and rationality internship
Mariano Crespo was full member who judged the doctoral thesis of Antonio Pascual Samerón Ramos, defended on September 12 at the University of Murcia under the degree scroll 'Modalities of intentionality in the thought of Edmund Husserl'. He also offered the lecture 'A Priori Law and Natural Law: Two Answers to the Question on the Pre-positive Elements of Law', in the framework of the international student congress 'Ius Naturale. As the Foundation of Contemporary Global Law', organized by the School of Law of the University of Navarra on September 23.
ATLANTES Programme
Eduardo Garralda attended the meeting of the European project InSup-C (Integrated Palliative Care) in Leuven for WP2 (second package of work) last September 18.
José Miguel Carrasco participated in the XXXII Scientific meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology 'Primum non nocere' (September 3-5) and attended as student the pre-congress workshop 'Introduction to the assessment of Health Impact. Basic principles and application internship'.
Kathrin Woitha participated in the BBVA Research Group Meeting held in Madrid on September 30. He focused on ranking methods, in relation to the development ranking of palliative care.
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero spoke on 'La sociedad comercial como medio de la libertad en la modernidad temprana: el caso de John Locke' at the Covegno Internazionale Economia ed Etica in Dialogo, held at the Centro di Etica Generale e Applicata de Almo Collegio Borromeo (Pavia) from September 11 to 13. Also, on September 22, he participated in the seminar 'La teología política según Spinoza y Bayle', organized by the Fundación Ortega y Marañon and the Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia, with the discussion paper 'Interpretación de las Escrituras como acción teológico-política' (Interpretation of the Scriptures as theological-political action).
Mercedes Montero spoke at the workshop on 'Knowledge and Gender. Mujeres en la teaching superior, análisis comparados' of the XII congress of the association of Contemporary History, organized in Madrid on September 18 and 19. She spoke on 'University women in Spain before and after the Civil War: their own aspirations and help from others (1910-1950)'.