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17 professors share their views on the encyclical Laudato si in a book

The publication Caring for Creation. programs of study on the encyclical Laudato si, presented in Pamplona, has been edited by Tomás Trigo.

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Tomás Trigo, publisher of the publication, in the foreground. Next to him, María Iraburu, Vice President of academic staff of the University, and Manuel Enrique Figueroa, Full Professor of Ecology of the University of Seville. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
26/09/16 10:29 Chus Cantalapiedra

17 University professors , each from his or her own field of knowledge, offer their vision of Pope Francis' second encyclical in the book Caring for Creation. programs of study on the encyclical Laudato si. The goal of the publication is to show that the way to overcome environmental problems is through the partnership between the different sciences.

The volume, published by EUNSA, was presented at the University by the Vice President of academic staff and author of the first chapter, María Iraburu. In her speech she said that the book is not the end, but a "flyinggoal " in the effort of the University to put on internship what Pope Francis asks in his encyclical: "We are in an area of reflection and discussion, but also of daily life, of training and research". In this sense, he recalled the importance of keeping an eye on environmental care, both in the training of students and in research.

Manuel Enrique Figueroa, Full Professor of Ecology, came from the University of Seville for the occasion. He emphasized, among other things, that the encyclical of Pope Francis has a role of great transcendence in a world that is very critical of ecology, but in which 6 million people die every year due to water pollution". "It cannot be that there is no solution - he affirmed - when, according to some calculations, the problem of hunger could be solved with 4 million euros, which is the cost of four tanks".

The following authors have contributed to the book Cuidar la Creación: Mariano Crespo, Fernando Echarri Iribarren, Rubén Herce, María Iraburu Elizalde, Rafael Jordana, Isabel María León Sanz, Paula Lizarraga Gutiérrez, Alejando Llano, Dolores López, Domènec Melé, Carmen Monasterio Hernández, Francisco Javier Novo, Manuel C. Ortiz de Landázuri, Jordi Puig i Baguer, Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca Espinosa, Ana Sánchez-Ostiz and Tomás Trigo.



