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The School of Architecture pays tribute to the architect Luis Moya Blanco on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.

He was a reference letter of 20th century Spanish architecture and a professor at the University from 1970 until his death.

26/11/04 17:56

The School of Architecture University of Navarra School of Architecture paid tribute to the figure of the architect Luis Moya Blanco (1904-1990) on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. Experts Antón Capitel, María Antonia Frías and Carlos Montes analyzed different facets of the man who was also a professor at the School since 1970. At the end, a film was shown on the construction of the Universidad Laboral de Gijón, one of Moya's most important works.

The film, 'The construction of a dream. Universidad Laboral de Gijón', is the work of Carlos Montes. To make it, this specialist in the Historiography of architecture has taken as a basis some unpublished recordings of José Díaz Canteli in the 50s.

Likewise, Antón Capitel, Full Professor of projects at School of Architecture in Madrid, analyzed 'Moya's architecture within late European classicism'. As he explained, Luis Moya wanted to "link himself with those architects of the classical era by proclaiming the validity of this architecture. He was the last classicist in history. The movement, which was born in Greece, died in Gijón with Moya.

Family anecdotes

Antón Capitel revealed that he met Moya for the first time in October 1964. "In Cangas de Onís there was a celebration of Paulino Vicente's exhibition . My father had him at home one day, and I really liked to listen to the conversations between two educated people. Then I dared and asked my father who Luis Moya was, since I had been impressed by the Universidad Laboral de Gijón. My father looked at me with surprise and answered me with a phrase that I will never forget: "He is an important architect, but now you can't understand him".

María Antonia Frías, director of the School's Theory and History of Architecture department , focused on the bequest that Luis Moya donated to the University of Navarra, a large part of his Library Services staff . She highlighted works of very different subject matter, such as books on metaphysics, ecology, treatises on architecture, mathematics, Philosophy etc.



