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A CRYF seminar analyzes the phenomenon of attention from a scientific and philosophical perspective.

José Ángel Lombo, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), advanced some keys of a work that he will soon publish together with José Manuel Giménez Amaya.

27/03/13 09:49 Isabel Solana
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José Ángel Lombo explained how the information received is applied in order to be able to act.
PHOTO: Courtesy

José Ángel Lombo, Professor of Anthropology and Ethics of the University Pontifical University of the Holy Crossseminar (Rome), analyzed the phenomenon of attention from an interdisciplinary perspective, both from Philosophy and from Biology and Neuroscience. The activity was organized by the group of research Science, Reason and Faith' (CRYF) of the University of Navarra.

The expert explained how the universal openness of the human knowledge and the concrete nature of the action, that is, the way in which the information received is applied in order to act, are articulated.

He also focused on the three basic aspects of the study of attention: its university entrance exam, controllability and stability. He also focused on the distinction between consciousness, vigilance and alertness. Finally, Professor Lombo presented some of the pathologies related to attention disorders.

José Ángel Lombo and José Manuel Giménez Amaya, director of the CRYF, have investigated the topic of attention at the area Mente-Cerebro del Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra. During the seminar, some of the keys to a soon-to-be-published work , the result of their study, were presented.



