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The AECC Scientific Foundation offers a scholarship to study the Master's Degree in research Biomedical at the University of Navarra.

deadline Interested parties have until May 10 to apply for a financial aid of more than 6,000 euros.

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27/04/18 11:45 Laura Juampérez

The Scientific Foundation AECC (association Spanish Against Cancer) has opened a call for Spanish medical specialists who specifically wa nt to do theMaster's Degree University in research Biomedical of the University of Navarra.

With a deadline that ends next May 10 and a maximum amount of financial aid that exceeds 6,000 euros, the financial aid will have a maximum duration of 12 months, depending on the characteristics of the postgraduate program.

In this sense, the association Spanish Against Cancer (AECC) follows the 2016-2020 strategic plan developed by the Scientific Foundation and launches the call for grants to promote the increase of the professional training of medical specialists throughout Spain, through the training in different areas of oncology. Specifically, the AECC is thus committed to financing the completion of the Master's Degree in research Biomedical at the University of Navarra.

All instructions can be consulted in the following AECC document.



