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Josefina Escós, former Director of programs of study of the School of Nursing and supervisor of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

27 | 04 | 2022

Josefina Escós, former director of programs of studyof the School of Nursing and one of the first nurses to join the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in the 1950s.

She was born in Madrid in 1924. After studying nursing in the capital, in 1955 she came to Pamplona to work as a nurse at the Clínica. Years later she spent some time in Paris to specialising in PaediatricsThis meant that in his first years in Pamplona he was part of the team that started up the delivery care and departmentfor paediatrics.together with Drs. Miranda y Good.

Her professional career was linked to Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics, especially neonatology. For many years she was the supervisor of the delivery room, as well as the paediatric, gynaecology and obstetrics wards.

In the 1977-78 academic year, she became a midwife at specialization program, thus strengthening the trainingof specialist nurses at the Clínica. She always had a great dedication to health care, which she was able to combine with the specialised trainingand researchin her preferred fields.

His workwas enriched by his deep faith, which was reflected in the warmth and spirit of service with which he sought to treat patients and colleagues.

"I met Josefina when she was already a delivery supervisor. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of her is the many times she would tell us anecdotes from the beginning of the clinic. She would do so with great grace, playing it down, but her professionalism and sense of humour were reflected in the way she set up the delivery service and the paediatric unit. It was admirable how he made up for the lack of resources at that time with a spirit of sacrifice and a good dose of imagination and good humour", recalls María Ángeles Sánchez, former Director of Nursing at the Clínica.

For her part, alumniat the University also remembers her as a nurse who took care of the students and gave good advice. 

The University joins in the grief of his family and asks for prayers.



