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The University of Navarra celebrates the feast of Saint Josemaría, founder of the academic center.

Rafael Salvador, Vicar of the Delegation of Opus Dei: "Throughout history, it has been men and women of prayer who have transformed the world".

27/06/11 14:09
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PHOTO: Manuel Castells

About 2,000 people took part in a Mass at the University of Navarre's sports center on the feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, who died on June 26, 1975. This year, the commemoration was brought forward one day to coincide with the feast of Corpus Christi.

The Eucharistic concelebration was presided over by the Vicar of the Delegation of Opus Dei in Pamplona, Rafael Salvador, who affirmed that God's generosity "overflows our expectations." "Dream and you will fall short," he said, alluding to the words of St. Josemaría. "I invite all of you, professors, researchers, collaborators, students, staff of Administration and Services to continue dreaming, with the certainty, once again, that we will fall short, but you well know that these dreams will come true with your sacrifice, with the well-made and finished work of everyone."

He also told them: "St. Josemaría from heaven is counting on you, he needs you and asks you for a living faith that guides work and research; a hope that drives your creative dynamism, so that, in the words of the founder of this University, you may contribute to placing Christ at the summit of all human activities; and a charity that facilitates freedom, peace and the wellbeing of our society".

Putting God at the center of existence

The Vicar of Opus Dei said that "when God disappears from the human horizon, man does not become something great, he does not reach his fullness, but on the contrary, he ends up abdicating his dignity as a child of God. Man only becomes great if he places God at the center of his existence.

staff And to live in this way, "to always second the will of God," he stressed, "we must be men and women who maintain a relationship of friendship with Jesus Christ, that is, we must be souls of prayer. When prayer fails, hope fades, trust suffers and docility becomes tremendously costly. Throughout history, it has been men and women of prayer who have transformed the world: an eloquent example is the recently beatified John Paul II.



