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Ana de Miguel replaces Manuel Sánchez Díaz at the head of the department of Plant Biology

27/09/11 07:22
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Manuel Sánchez Díaz and Ana de Miguel PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Professor Dr. Ana de Miguel Velasco has been appointed director of department de Plant Biology to replace Professor Dr. Manuel Sánchez Díaz.

Professor Sánchez Díaz, Full Professor at Plant Biology, has been director of department of Plant Biology since its inception in 2005, when it was created by the merger of Departments Botany and Plant Physiology. Of the latter he was also its director from 1978 to 2005.

Professor Ana de Miguel, on the other hand, has been director of the Botany section from 2005 to the present.

Finally, Professor Sánchez Díaz will continue to be manager of the Associated Unit that maintains the CSIC with the Section of Plant Biology, through the Experimental Station of classroom Dei (EEAD, Zaragoza) and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences (ICVV, Logroño).



