Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2019)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Kenya, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Emotional culture and identity
María Fernanda Novoa started a research stay at St Mary's University on the framework of his thesis doctoral, (London, UK, 01/09-31/12/2019)
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Anna Dulska participated in the XX congress 'Ordines militares' (Torun Poland, 25-29/09/2019)
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze attended as speaker invited to the 2nd International EAP & ESP Conference organized by the University of Crete, where she gave the plenary 'Creating a space for critical thinking in the EAP and ESP classroom', (Heraklion, Greece, 22/09/2019).
Eleonora Esposito attended the V lecture ESTIDIA 'Hybrid Dialogues: Transcending Binary Thinking and Moving Away from Societal Polarizations', organized by the Interuniversity Research Centre and held at the University of Naples 'l'Orientale'. There she presented the lectures 'Critical Perspectives on Semiotic Violence against Women in Politics' and 'Critical Discourse Studies and Digital Practices: Theory, Methods and Techniques', (Naples, Italy, 19/09/2019).
In addition, he offered the communication 'Discourses of Hostility in a Hybrid and Multimodal Cybersphere' during the VI lecture 'Languaging Diversity' of the University of Zaragoza, (Teruel, 24-27/09/2019).
Sofía Brotóns started a research stay at the University of Otago under the supervision of psychologist Elaine Reese, on the framework of her doctoral thesis , (Dunedin, New Zealand, 01/09/2019-01/12/2019).
Saqlain Hassan presented seminar 'Language in Context: An Introduction to Discourse, Discourse Analysis and Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis' at Government Degree College Khwaza Khela, (Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, 21/09/2019).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo visited the University of Seville to attend to a congress and a symposium. On the one hand, he participated in the 'IX International congress of Philosophy of the Education CIFE 2019' with the discussion paper 'Current perspectives of the human condition and educational action'. Likewise, he coordinated the Symposium 'Education of character today: from the foundation to educational action' and there he delivered the communication 'Three pillars of the Education of character today', (Seville, 11-13/09/2019).
María Calatrava, Alfonso Osorio and Martiño Rodríguez attended the congress 'Christian anthropology and mental health sciences' organized by the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU. There, Calatrava gave the discussion paper 'Sexual activity and adolescent mental health: the role of religiosity', (Barcelona, 13-14/09/2019).
Cristina López del Burgo and Silvia Carlos participated in the XXXVII SEE annual scientific meeting , XIV APE Congress and XVIII SESPAS congress with conferences. López del Burgo presented the communication 'Reasons for initiating or not initiating sexual activity in adolescence. Results of the project YourLife in Spain and Latin America' and the poster 'Psychological partner violence in adolescents: Preliminary results of the YOURLIFE study in Spain and Latin America'. For his part, Carlos offered the communications 'Effect of alcohol on sexual risk behaviors: data from OKAPI prospective cohort study' and 'Baseline predictors of being lost to follow-up in OKAPI prospective cohort study'; and the posters 'Forced sex in Kinshasa: data from OKAPI prospective cohort study' and 'Young people attending HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Kinshasa: OKAPI cohort study', (Oviedo, 3-6/09/2019).
group Mind-brain
José Ignacio Murillo Attended the congress Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy, held at the Institute D'etudes Avancées de Paris (Paris, France, 5-6/09/2019).
Javier Sánchez Cañizares was invited to the III congress Razón Abierta, where he delivered the lecture 'Inteligencia Artificial, Quo Vadis?' at the roundtable 'Inteligencia artificial: oportunidades y desafíos desde la perspectiva de razón abierta'. (Madrid, 19-21/09/2019).
Gonzalo Alonso attended the congress 'Christian Anthropology and Mental Health Sciences', organized by the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, (Barcelona, 13-14/09/2019).
Leandro Gaitan participated in the Conference Technology and Society of the Institute of Philosophy with the communication 'Personality as commodity in a posthuman future society', (Leuven, Belgium 9-11/09/2019).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina and Ivan Kim held scientific meetings to strengthen ties and develop possible projects with the Strathmore Center for Public Policy and Governance of Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya, 24/09-2/10/2019).
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero gave the discussion paper 'Identity and Veridiction: The Confessing Subject between Medieval and Modern Subjectivity' at the congress 'Researching the Autobiographical Impulse: New Methods and Texts in Medieval Autobiography Studies' at New York University Florence, (Florence, Italy, 13-14/09/2019).
Data Science Unit
Jesús López Fidalgo and Pablo Uruchi attended the XXXVIII congress Nacional de Estadística e research Operativa and the XII conference de Estadística Pública. López Fidalgo presented the paper entitled 'Model-Robust Classification in Active Learning' and moderated the Plenary Statistics session. For his part, Urruchi delivered the oral communication 'Sufficient Dimensional and Data Reduction applied to Twitter text', (Alcoy, Alicante, 3-6/09/2019).