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"Being a teacher is the best profession in the world. If I were born again, I would try to dedicate myself to the same thing."

The School of Philosophy and Letters pays tribute to Jaime Nubiola, Full Professor emeritus recently retired, in a ceremony chaired by the president, María Iraburu

Friends, colleagues, students, disciples and relatives of Professor Jaime Nubiola have gathered at the classroom Magna of the University of Navarra to pay tribute to him, in a ceremony presided by the president, María Iraburu. Full Professor emeritus of the School of Philosophy and Letters, said goodbye to the classrooms of the academic center last April, after 45 years teaching from teaching.

The event began with the reading of a biographical sketch at position by Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, director of the Campus of the University in Madrid, who emphasized the "generosity with which Jaime has always assumed the positions in this University, showing a true vocation of service". In his speech, he made reference letter to an iconic photograph in which Professor Nubiola appears at campus teaching class and surrounded by students: "That photo captures to a large extent the essence of the University: young people learning from the teacher, in a climate of trust and respect, what he in turn has learned during years of study and research", said Gómez-Montoro.

Fernando Zalamea, philosopher and essayist, reviewed the academic and research career of the honoree, focusing on the activities he has carried out around the figure and thought of Charles Sanders Peirce, of which Professor Nubiola is an expert and to which he has dedicated a large part of his research. Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe, deputy director of department at Philosophy, presented the book "We are not islands. Homage to Professor Jaime Nubiola", a work of which she was the editor together with Sara Barrena, Pablo Cobreros, and Izaskun Martínez, disciples of the professor. As Professor Pérez-Ilzarbe explained, "this book is a way of making visible the plural and open community of thought, but closely united by shared interests, that Jaime was weaving during his professional degree program ".

Pablo Cobreros, Associate Dean of research and postgraduate program, read a few words from Julia Pavón, dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters, who could not attend the event attend . In her speech, the dean thanked Professor Nubiola "for having helped us for so long, students and professors, to climb to the frontiers, those uncomfortable places, but typical of those who get up every day to continue building and developing the most creative resources to face the paradigms of our world".

In his emotional speech, the honoree acknowledged that "during my 45 years at work university I have not done anything exceptional, but simply what I had to do. But, yes, with passion and enthusiasm". He also thanked all the people who have accompanied him along the way "and God, who has given me wonderful students who are eager to learn and a wonderful place to work, the University of Navarra". Professor Nubiola concluded by saying that "being a professor is the best profession in the world. I have enjoyed it very much, both at teaching and at research and in my service to the university community. If I were born again, I would try to dedicate myself to the same".

The event concluded with the intervention of president, María Iraburu, who pointed out that Jaime Nubiola's time at the University was marked by "his open-mindedness, his capacity for dialogue with the contemporary world, his closeness to people, his passion for the University, and his attitude towards promote a true Humanism". To conclude, he recalled that Professor Nubiola has been "a master of the three verbs that define the true university attitude: reading, writing and thinking; three humble and powerful paths that take us so far and allow us to enter into what is important".



