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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (February 2014)

28/02/14 17:32 ICS

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González gave the lecture 'Culture in the 21st Century' at the event of presentation of graduation sashes of the high school Mayor Aldaz, which took place on February 22.



Javier Serrano participated as a guest speaker in the XV University Forum of research in Communicationheld at the University of Vigo, on 6 and 7 February. He presented the discussion paper 'Between online and offline: social interaction in a hyperconnected world'.


Lourdes Flamarique gave on February 21 a seminar within the program of the I seminar Aesthetics and Art Theory of the University Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid), graduate 'The context of Walter Benjamin: The Frankfurt School'.


Public discourse

Manuel Casado e Inés Olza participated in the III seminar 'Normas y usos del español': "El español de los medios, el español en los medios", organized by the University of San Jorge (Zaragoza) on February 11. They offered the discussion paper 'Linguists observing the media: from phonemes to pragmatics'.

Pablo Blanco gave the lecture 'A speech on God: Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth' at the IX Chair St. Thomas Aquinas, which took place in Almeria on February 25.


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Carlos Beltramo gave a talk in Soria on February 28 at lecture 'La nueva ley del aborto: ¿avance o retroceso?' within the cycle 'Interrogantes actuales'. The initiative was promoted by the Arribes del Duero Foundation, at partnership with Alumni, Caja España and Caja Duero.


Jokin de Irala participated in the general assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, of which he is a member, from February 19-22 in Rome.



Natural law and rationality internship

Alejandro Vigo offered on February 27 the lecture 'Is the notion of Natural Law a necessarily religious approach?'. It was part of the Study workshop 'Is there Law? Positivism, iusnaturalism and reasonableness of Law', organized by the School of Law of the University of Seville.

Navarra Center for International Development

Álvaro Morcillo participated with Oded Stark in the course "Labor, Human Capital and Population", held at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) in Bonn, Germany, from February 17 to 25.


ATLANTES Programme

José Miguel Carrasco participated as professor in the Master's Degree University in Methodology of the research in Health Sciences of the Alfonso X El Sabio University (Madrid). On February 17 he gave the session 'Questionnaires. Variables, measurement scales and instructions of data'.





