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Tecnun signature agreement with Ihobe to work on the integration of the Economics Circular in the Basque Country.

28 | 03 | 2023

Tecnun's director , Raúl Antón, and Alex Boto, director general of Ihobe, director of the Basque Government's Public Society for Environmental management , Ihobe, have signed a agreement for the creation of classroom Ihobe. The goal, to work on the integration of sustainability in the business and social fabric of the Basque Country.

With the present agreement, Tecnun joins the Basque Circular HubEconomics The aim of the Basque Circular Hub is to support new initiatives of green Economics entrepreneurship and to offer advanced training to academic staff, employees and students who wish to specialize in this field. 

Tecnun will also promote the development of programs of study of doctorate on subjects related to the principles of the Economics Circular. In this sense, next academic year, Ihobe will co-finance with 20,000 euros a doctoral thesis , entitled "Methodology of transition to the Economics Circular focused on the consumer". "We proposed several ideas for work to Ihobe and this one is extremely important because in the Economics Circular, to close the cycle successfully, you have to take into account the last link in the chain, which is the consumer, and this is generally driven by fashion and price", explained the professor and researcher at group for Sustainable Improvement at TecnunCarmen Jaca

The general director of Ihobe, Alex Boto Bastegieta has stressed that the incorporation of Tecnun to the Basque Circular Hub "will be an important boost to the circular Economics in Euskadi, a winning strategy for our companies, since raw materials account for about 60% of production costs and a high dependence on the outside". In this sense, Boto recalled that the circular Economics is the tool core topic for the unpostponable decarbonization of the Basque industry.

On the other hand, Jaca wanted to highlight the "opportunity" that this agreement represents because it allows to join synergies and combine the knowledge of two institutions with a "wide experience": "Ihobe is a reference letter in the Basque Country in environmental management and for Tecnun is a great opportunity, both from the point of view of the research, as the training that will receive our student body and the opportunities of partnership with the academic staff", has recognized after the signature.



