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A researcher of the ICS defends a thesis on Education emotional in adolescents.

José Víctor Orón has united neuroscience, Philosophy and psychology to create an educational proposal to help young people define their identity. staff

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José Víctor Orón, during the defense of his thesis doctoral dissertation.
PHOTO: Natalia Rouzaut
28/04/17 14:58 Natalia Rouzaut

José Víctor Orón Semper, from the group 'Mente-cerebro' del Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, defended his thesis entitled 'La integración emocional en el development adolescente. Contributions from neuropsychology and Leonardo Polo's Philosophy '.

The research has been directed by José Ignacio Murillo and Javier Bernácer, both researchers of this project of the ICS, and has been defended in the School of Education and Psychology.

The new doctor has analyzed "the emotionalEducation of the adolescent through an interdisciplinary dialogue between Philosophy, neuroscience and psychology". In particular, he is inspired by Leonardo Polo's Philosophy , joining neuroscience and the psychological proposal of the inter-processual self.

thesis analyzes the human act and the psychomaturativestatus of the adolescent, a stage in which the person creates his or her own unique identity. In this way, "it adopts coherent educational proposals and proposes a model of emotional Education in core topic of integration and at the service of the adolescent's growth staff ", says Orón.

Who do I want to be? A question for teenagers

José Víctor Orón is a Piarist priest and, as such, has worked in Piarist schools in Valencia, his hometown. His experience with adolescents has led him to consider the importance at that age of the question of identity staff: 'Who do I want to be'. Therefore, his educational proposal seeks that young people know their own state staff and know the tendency of emotion to perform global-personal acts that lead him to face that question.

This thesis is being taken to internship through the UpToYou program. José Víctor Orón has offered courses on emotional Education to parents and educators in countries such as Spain, Mexico, Cameroon and Brazil.

The panel that evaluated the thesis was chaired by Juan Narbona, Professor Emeritus of the School of Education and Psychology; and formed by Elkin Oswaldo Luis (secretary), professor of Pedagogy at the University of Navarra; Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano, doctor in Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra; José Ángel Lombo, professor of General Ethics at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome); and Jorge Medina, professor of Ethics and History of the Philosophy at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (Mexico).



