The short film "911" wins five awards at the XXVI edition of the University's Kino Awards
The jury for this edition, in which 8 Final Projects Degree took part, was made up of Joaquín Calderón, David Arratibel, Alvar Carretero, Gonzalo de Pedro and Encarna Pardo.

FotoManuelCastells/Awardees at the 26th edition of the Kino Awards
28 | 04 | 2022
The short film 911 triumphed at the 26th edition of the Kino Awards, which took place at the Museum of the University of Navarra, winning five awards. 911 The short tells the story of an emergency call centre operator who has to handle the first calls from those involved in a massive traffic accident. The short film won the Kino awards for Best project, Direction, Screenplay, Sound and Best Acting (ex aequo).
In addition, Robles won the statuettes for Best Cinematography and Best Acting (ex aequo). When it stops ringing The film also won the Kino for Best Art Direction; Vigilthe Kino for Best Editing; and Menu of StarsThe Kino, a culinary entertainment programme, won the audience's award.
The Kino Awards were created by the departmentde Cultura and speechAudiovisual in 1996, coinciding with the graduation of the first graduating class, with the aim of recognising the creative, artistic and technical achievements of the short fiction films made by the students in their final year at degree program. Twenty-six editions later, they continue to be a reason for teachers and students to celebrate the completion of their Final Projects Degree.
The jury of the XXVI edition, in which eight Final Projects of Degreeof speechAudiovisual have participated, has been composed by Joaquín CalderónThe jury, a member of the Film Academy, partnerfounder of programs of studyMelitón, and director of the Navarra International Film Festival (NIFF); David Arratibel, Director of documentaries and partnerfounder and director creative at Planner speech; and the alumniAlvar Carretero director awards and global PR at JJPR agency in Los Angeles; Gonzalo de Pedro, advisorof the Minister of Culture and Sport, former director artistic director of Cineteca Madrid and former programmer of Filmoteca Española and the Locarno Festival, among others; and Encarna Pardo, executive producer of 'La Voz' and director of entertainment at Boomerang TV.
Winners #Kino2022 Awards
Best project- 911.
Best Direction - Annika Cozar (911).
Best Screenplay - Annika Cozar (911).
Best Art Direction - María Fernández and Aitana Santamaría (Cuando deje de sonar).
Best Acting - ex aequo Pedro Pascual (Robles) and Victoria Montes-Niño (911).
Best Cinematography - Paula Garraza (Robles).
Best Editing - Rodrigo Gimeno (Vigilia).
Best Sound - Juan Arias (911).
Public Kino - Stars menu.