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PPE students take a curricular trip to Madrid

They have attended various training sessions at the Diplomatic School, the congress of Deputies, Telefónica and the Ramón Areces Foundation.

On January 22, the students of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University traveled to Madrid to get a first-hand look at various institutions and organizations in the field of diplomacy, politics and telecommunications. For three days, they had the opportunity to attend lectures and make visits that have complemented the academic training they are receiving in the classroom.

Thursday 23 began with a visit to the Diplomatic School, where students attended two lectures. Nicolás Cimarra,attachment director of the institution, gave a talk on "Access to the diplomatic degree program ". On the other hand, Ricardo Añino, the Deputy Director, gave a talk on "The practice of the diplomatic profession". The visit allowed the students to obtain an in-depth vision of the opportunities and challenges of diplomacy, as well as to learn about the employment opportunities that exist in this field and the functions performed by the diplomatic corps.

In average morning, they went to the congress of Deputies, where they were able to learn about the functioning of Spanish politics from the Chamber of leave. In the afternoon, they visited Telefónica's facilities to learn about the technology industry and its global impact. They were received by Ana Valero, Director of Regulation and State of Telecommunications in Latin America. The workshop ended with an Alumni meeting at the campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid, where Isabel Pineda, Macarena de Andrés, Jean Carlos Beato, Ana López, Carmen Zaldivar, Cristina Gascón and Álvaro Luengo, PPE graduates, shared their professional experiences.

On Friday the 24th, our students attended several sessions at the Ramón Areces Foundation. Raimundo Pérez-Hernández, former ambassador and director of the foundation, welcomed them, before giving way to Diego López Garrido, Full Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law and former Secretary of State for the European Union, who spoke about the current status , prospects and challenges of the European Union. Next, Javier Elorza, Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the European Union (1994-2000), gave a session in which he reviewed the "40 years of Spain in the European Union".



