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Pilar Aramburuzabala: "The Education has the central role in achieving Social Justice in the world".

lecture on Service-Learning for Social Justice

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
29/02/16 11:26 Esperanza Rodés

Pilar Aramburuzabala, professor at department of Didactics and Theory of the Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid, was the speaker last February 22nd of a new session of the Civic Parliament, promoted by the University of Navarra and the Regional Parliament.

"Today the world is experiencing a major status of deep injustice related to the crisis, globalization.... We live a status of much suffering and we find three types of human reactions: the state of shock, running away or acting; and this is where Service-Learning comes in". Thus began her discussion paper where, professor also emphasized that Service-Learning is not just another technique, but is the methodology par excellence. She defined it as a Philosophy that financial aid to understand the development of the Education based on values.  

Aramburuzabala referred to two hypotheses of work: one in which Service-Learning is an "optimal" strategy to achieve a Education for Social Justice (from schools, institutes and universities) and the second one, focused on Social Justice to fulfill some objectives, directed to a community to achieve a social transformation. However, he insisted that Service-Learning must go further and have a specific awareness of Social Justice.

He also pointed out three characteristics that define the currentmodel of Social Justice: redistribution of goods, recognition of inequality (ethnic, based on stereotypes and prejudices) and representation; justice understood as participation in which all people are in the same conditions to be able to participate in society.

For Aramburuzabala, "the Education has a central role in achieving social justice in the world and we must educate from and in this". In the first case, he tried to establish fair social methodologies, such as creating an educational culture through teachers and the community, and thus help the student to develop as a "human being and not only promote the intellectual part".

When mentioning the Education in social justice, the professor emphasized the fact of working with self-knowledge and self-esteem, so that, by inquiring about the recognition of oneself, one would be able to recognize others.

Throughout the lecture, he also insisted on the importance of transmitting "less content" and teaching to a greater extent to take it to the internship: "This - he concluded - is what Service-Learning allows us to acquire knowledge, but also to transmit it". 



