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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (May 2014)

29/05/14 17:03 ICS

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González y Omar Rosas participated in the Experts Meeting 'The Crisis of Journalism Reconsideredorganized by the Social Trends Institute in Barcelona from May 1 to 3.


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala gave the session 'Information on the project Education of affectivity and human sexuality' in the high school Mayor Aralar on May 15.



Natural law and rationality internship

Alejandro G. Vigo participated in the Humboldt-Kolleg 'Die mittelalterliche Auffassung von Ethik und Natur und ihre Rezeption in der europäischen und lateinamerikanischen Philosophie / La concepción medieval de ética y naturaleza, y su recepción en la Philosophy europea y latinoamericana', organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Universidad de los Andes (Chile), with financial support from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Bonn, Germany). He also gave two lectures at the School of Philosophy and Humanities of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). One of them was entitled 'Kant and the Stoic foundation of morality' (May 23) and the other, 'Aristotle and Kant, on the origin of the moral quality of action' (May 26). Moreover, he gave a lecture as speaker guest at the IV Vallendarer Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Philosophie 'Geschichtlich(keit) denken. Philosophische und theologische Herausforderungen' (Vallendar, Germany, May 29-31). The degree scroll of his talk was 'Erfahrung, Objektivität, Geschichte. Heidegger und die kantische Analytik der Grundsätze".

Mariano Crespo participated in the seminar 'La fenomenología y su teaching', organized by the Spanish Society of Phenomenology, of which he is a member. It took place at the UNED in Madrid on May 10.



Nathaniel Barret presented the paper Religion as Intrinsically Motivated Activity: A Proposal for Interdisciplinary Investigation. at the congress 'Cognitive Science, Philosophy and Theology', held at Oxford University from May 9 to 11. In addition, on April 4, he presented the paper The Normative Turn in Enactive Theory at the symposium 'Varieties of Enactivism: A Conceptual Geography', organized as part of the 50th Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior (the AISB). It was held at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Ravina spoke on 'The world that is coming; an approach to the combination of freedom and equality' at the XX conference of Estudio Estudio for Entrepreneurs of the Valencian Community (May 22).




