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Students from IES Ibaialde de Burlada and Ribera del Arga, winners of the Navarre phase of the 'Incubadora de Sondeos y Experimentos' contest.

It has had 38 participants and is promoted by the University of Navarra, the Public University of Navarra, the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers, the high school of Statistics of Navarra and the Government of Navarra.

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Sabela Vázquez (tutor), Alberto Navarro, Luis Miguel Oliete, Sergio Del Castillo and Fredy Nuin, from IES Ibaialde de Burlada; and Maite Sanjuan Matute, Paula Esquíroz Herreros and Ángel J. Laxe (tutor), from IES Ribera del Arga.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
29/05/17 12:06 Isabel Solana

Students from IES Ibaialde de Burlada and Ribera del Arga are the winners of the Navarre phase of the 'Incubator of Probes and Experiments' Contest. They will represent the Autonomous Community in the national phase of competition, to be held in Asturias from 28 to 30 June 2017. The presentation of the finalist works and the submission of awards was held at the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), the research center at Humanities and social sciences of the University of Navarra.

The closing table was formed by Jaime García del Barrio, director general of Institute for Culture and Society; Cristina Azcárate, director of department de Estadística e research Operativa of the Public University of Navarra; Pablo Cebrián Jiménez, director of the Institute of Statistics of Navarra; César Benjamín Berrade Ursua, delegate of the National Institute of Statistics in Navarra; and Manuel Sada, representative of the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers "TORNAMIRA" and of the department of Education of the Government of Navarra.

The jury also included Stella Salvatierra, from the University of Navarra; José Antonio Moler, from the Public University of Navarra; and Laura Arnedo Arjona, from high school de Estadística de Navarra. During the deliberation of the jury, Professor Jesús López Fidalgo, director of the Science Unit of data of the ICS, gave a talk at knowledge dissemination 'El azar no existe' (Chance does not exist).

Eleven groups from all over Navarra

In the Navarre phase of the competition, 38 students participated , divided into 11 groups from schools in Pamplona, Burlada (IES Ibaialde), Peralta (IES Ribera del Arga), Garralda (high school de Garralda), Tudela (high school San Francisco Javier, IES Benjamín de Tudela), Bera de Bidasoa (Berako Toki Ona Institutan) and from the Training Cycles of Degree of Educational Centers in Navarre. Of these, six teams were selected.

The competition seeks promote the development of statistics projects among students studying E.S.O., high school diploma or a Formative Cycle of Degree basic or medium in educational centers of Navarra. It is organized by the Unit of Science of data of the ICS of the University of Navarra and the department of Statistics and research Operative of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), with the partnership of the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers "TORNAMIRA", of the high school of Statistics of Navarra and of the department of Education of the Government of Navarra.

Winning students

IES Ibaialde de Burlada: Too much homework in Burlada?
(Tutor: Sabela Vázquez)
Fredy Nuin
Sergio del Castillo
Luis Miguel Oliete
Alberto Navarro

-high school diploma, FP and Degree Medium
IES Ribera del Arga: statistical analysis of the academic performance of the student body of the IES Ribera del Arga
(Tutor: Ángel J. Laxe)
Paula Esquíroz Herreros
Maite Sanjuan Matute

Finalist students

high school from Garralda: Gure herriak despopulatzen ari dira?
(Tutor: Mikel Aioz)
Maddi Ziaurritz
Luna Arconada
Saioa Martínez
Amaia Vizcay

IES Benjamín de Tudela: Use of social networks by students of IES Benjamín de Tudela.
(Tutor: J. Carlos Ballabriga Escuer)
Álvaro De Irízar Larrauri
Tudor Jinga
José Luis Castel-Ruiz Urzay

Berako Toki Ona Institutuan: Mugikorrak? Bai, baina...
(Tutor: Nekane Perez)
Marene Etxenike Guerra
Aiala Micheo Echeverría        

-high school diploma, FP and Degree Middle
high school San Francisco Javier, Tudela: work on immigration
(Tutor: Belén García Sánchez)
Adrián Del Pozo
David Grávalos
Nicolás Pascual
Javier Pérez



