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New proposals and collaborations in MUN's school programming for the 2022-23 school year

The programs, in which close to 6,000 students participated last year, use contemporary art as a method and resource educational

FotoMANUELCASTELLS/A group of schoolchildren participate in one of the programs in the MUN workshops.

29 | 09 | 2022

The Museo Universidad de Navarra has designed its new school program for the 2022-23 academic year with the aim of continuing to support the educational work of teachers. goal . The offer includes proposals for all levels of education, from Education Infants to high school diplomaincluding training Professional and Education Special. In the 21-22 academic year, which was supported by the Pamplona City Council, a total of 5,968 students from 170 school groups participated.

This year, in addition to the usual program, already consolidated, we continue to collaborate with General Administration for Peace, Coexistence and Human Rights of the Government of Navarra and with Mancoeduca, the environmental section of Education of the Pamplona Community of Pamplona.

In the first case, two collaborative programs that promote Education for peace and emotional intelligence have been promoted: Stories of fire, after Tàpies, aimed at students of Education Infant, Primary and Education Special and inspired by the work Incendi (1991), by Antoni Tàpies, from the Museum Collection; and Stories of fire, after Oteizafor Secondary School students; and high school diplomaThe starting point for this project is the piece Elías y su carro de fuego, by Jorge Oteiza, also from the Museum Collection. The goal is to create a large mural among all the participants. Mancoeduca has developed different programs that unite art and the environment.


In addition, a new program has been launched Women in the arts: an incomplete equation?aimed at secondary school students and high school diploma. The proposal is based on different artistic works that can contribute to reflection on gender issues. Thus, it takes up the work of women artists, past and present, also emphasizing their importance as promoters, patrons and curators in the artistic field.

The programs can be carried out in person at the Museum, with visits to the exhibitions and work in the workshop area, and also in the schools, virtually, through digital devices. All the programs include a faculty notebook , downloadable through the Museum's website, a tool to share with teachers the intentions and objectives of the proposal and to serve as a financial aid for working with students. To register, schools can contact the MUN educational team by email at or by phone at 686 239 987.



