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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (April 2015)

30/04/15 10:12

Emotional culture and identity

Rocio Davis attended the Association for Asian American Studies Conference (Evanston, Illinois, USA, April 23-25). Presented paper Observing Emotions: Adolescent Feelings in Jillian and Mariko Tamaki's 'This One Summer' at the panel 'Affective Images Across Panel Borders: Drawing and Drawing Out Emotions in Asian American Graphic Narratives'.

Public discourse

Inés Olza intervened in the roundtable 'network Hen: A distributed lab for the research of multimodal communication' of the XXXIII International congress of the association Española de Lingüística Aplicada at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (April 16-18). He spoke on 'NewsScape applications: analysis of coverbal gestures'.

Ruth Breeze gave the invited lecture 'Teaching content in English in higher education: European experiences' at the Spring Research Meeting of the International University of Catalonia (April 13) and the discussion paper 'Appraisal, stance, metadiscourse' at the XXXIII International congress of the association Española de Lingüística Aplicada at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (April 16-18).

Ricardo-María Jiménez presented the discussion paper 'La presencia de la religión en la vida pública (por el framing a la ideología gracias a la Lingüística de corpus' in a seminar organized by the International University of Catalonia on April 13.


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala offered the discussion paper 'They also want to love' at the II International Women's Forum organized by Fraternity of St. Thomas Aquinas Groups (El Escorial, Madrid, 17-19 April 2015).


group 'Mind-Brain'.

Francisco Güell and Luis Alfonso Núñez presented the poster Is the stimulus-response model a valid construct in dual pathology? at the IV congress Internacional de Patología Dual (Barcelona, April 17-20).

Natural law and rationality internship

Alejandro Vigo gave a five-session course graduate 'Self-Knowledge in Plato and Plotinus. The projection of a Socratic motif in the noetics of Platonism' in the Master's Program in Ancient Philosophy of the School of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Universidad Panamericana (Mexico DF, April 13-17).

Navarra Center for International Development

Luis A. Gil-Alaña visited in Paris (France) the committee publishing house de International Economics and met with Professor Bertrand Candelonof IPAG Business School. 



Alex Armand made a visit of research to department of Economics of from Nova School of Business and Economicsin Lisbon (Portugal).



ATLANTES Programme

Carlos Centeno participated as a professor in the First Spanish Edition of the Advanced Course for Palliative Care Teachers training from April 13-14 at the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna (Madrid) and in the 4th edition of the Basic Course for 4th edition of the Basic Course of training of Palliative Care Professionalsat the same center, from April 15 to 18.

Eduardo Garralda attended a meeting of the European project INSUP-Cwhich took place in Amsterdam on April 20 and 21.



Religion and Civil Society

David Thunder present his work 'Putting Profit in its Place: Implementing a Personalist Ethos in Business Organizations' at the 4th International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business held at IESE Business School (Barcelona, 20 April 2015).




