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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (April 2021)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated in online activities organized by institutions in Chile, Spain, the United States, Italy, Lithuania, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkey.


30 | 04 | 2021

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta GonzálezAna Marta González attended the webinar 'The family and integral ecology' organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (14-15/04/2021, Rome, Italy).


Inés OlzaInés Olza coordinated the 38th International congress of the association Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA 38) organized by the Universidade da Coruña (14-16/04/2021, A Coruña).

Mariano CrespoMariano Crespo offered the lecture 'The Ethics of Edmund Husser' during the seminar International "Ethics and Phenomenology" organized by the Diego Portales University together with the University of Zaragoza (15/04/2021, Santiago, Chile / Zaragoza).

Alberto GarcíaAlberto García participated as speaker in the lecture 'How do series tell the world?' of the Institut Valencia de Cultura, (Valencia, 18/04/2021).


Ana Belén MartínezAna Belén Martínez attended two online events: the symposium 'Language and Migration: Experience and Memory' at Princeton University (19/04-1/05/2021, Princeton, USA) and the International conference Migrant Belongings: Digital Practices and the Everyday at Utrecht University, (21-24/04/2021, Utrecht, The Netherlands).

Public discourse

Eleonora EspositoEleonora Esposito delivered the invited paper 'Critical Discourse Studies as a Postcolonial Critique of the Contemporary Caribbean' at the SCDA 2021 Conference (Stylistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Language Use in the Caribbean) organized by the University of Trinidad and Tobago, (2-4/04/2021, Wallerfield, Trinidad and Tobago).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Alfonso OsorioCristina López del BurgoAlfonso Osorio de Rebellón Cristina López del Burgo participated in the Adolescence and Youth Research Congress organized by the Adolescence and Youth Research Association. Osorio gave the discussion paper 'Gender stereotypes and adolescent dating violence in three Spanish-speaking countries and Beliefs about love and adolescent dating violence in three Spanish-speaking countries'. López del Burgo gave the papers 'Beliefs about love and adolescent dating violence in three Spanish-speaking countries' and 'Gender stereotypes and adolescent dating violence in three Spanish-speaking countries', (29/04-1/05/2021, Izmir, Turkey).

Osorio also presented the poster 'Authority and affection in the family - Is it true that in Hispanic countries the permissive style is more appropriate?' during the week of department of Psychology of the Universidad Católica San Pablo, (26/04/2021, Arequipa, Peru).

group Mind-brain

José Ignacio MurilloJosé Ignacio Murillo attended in person to the II workshop of research of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the Catholic University of Valencia where he presented the group Mind-brain: 'The group Mind-brain: an interdisciplinary research around human action', (Valencia, 19/04/2021).

Navarra Center for International Development

David SolerDavid Soler attended virtually as moderator to the talk 'Africa today: youth and culture' organized by the Foro de foros, (26/04/2021, Madrid).


ATLANTES Programme

Carlos CentenoCarlos Centeno intervened in the workshop 'Social innovation and health. World Health Day' during the roundtable 'Health in compassionate care communities' of the Social Innovation Unit of Navarra, (7/04/2021, Pamplona).

He also participated in an online roundtable on palliative care organized by the International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care, the Worldwide Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance and the International Federation on Ageing. In it, he spoke with the director general of the WHO Dr. Tedros and representatives of civil society organizations, (28/04/2021, Texas, United States).

Youth in transition

Claudia López MadrigalClaudia López Madrigal gave the online talk 'Social average and Emotional Well-Being' invited by the FULL Project initiative, (15/05/2021, Vilnius, Lithuania).



María Cruz Díaz de TeránMª Cruz Díaz de Terán gave the talk 'The first support networks among women jurists (1920-1970)' during the II International congress Territories of the report. Feminist Struggle and Resistance(s). Walking towards equality at the University of Valladolid, (13-16/04/2021, Valladolid).



