Schools Ecclesiastical: with proper name (September 2012)
Academic staff
Juan Antonio Aznárez, Adjunct Professor of the department of Sacred Scripture of the School of Theologywas ordained bishop of the archdiocese of Pamplona-Tudela, during a ceremony in the Cathedral of Pamplona.
In the campus
Piero Vavassori defended his doctoral thesis "Bioetica 'laica' e bioetica 'cattolica'. Teologia morale e questioni bioetiche".
Three graduates of School of Theology, professionals of the teaching with a long experience professor, received priestly ordination at the shrine of Torreciudad, from the hands of the bishop and prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría. The new priests are Baltasar Moros Claramunt, born in Sagunto (Valencia) 48 years ago, René Alejandro Adrianensés Terrones, 37, from Mexico, and José María Esteban Cruzado, 43, from Madrid. More information
José Antonio Fortea, former student of Theology, has published with ACI Press his book Historia del Mundo Angélico, a novel with theological instructions on the creation, the test and the fall of the angels. The work is available in pdf format completely free of charge.
Activities outside the campus
José Ángel García Cuadrado, Dean of the School Eclesiastica de Philosophy, and Professor of Theology Fermín Labarga presented their papers at the VI International Symposium of the high school of Ibero-American ThoughtThe Ibero-American Baroque and Modernity', held at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Professor Cuadrado's was 'The modernity of the Dominican Baroque: the internationalist project of D. Báñez' and Professor Labarga's, 'The Holy School of Christ as an environment of an intimate and staff -modern- religiosity'.
Antonio Viana, Dean of the School of Canon Law, participated as speaker in the international congress organized in Gdańsk by the association of canonists of Poland, which dealt with 'La parrocchia nel diritto canonico e nel diritto polaco'. He offered the lecture 'La cooperazione dei diaconi, fedeli laici ed associazioni nella parrocchia'.
Carmen José Alejos gave the lecture 'La evangelización en los Concilios celebrados en América Latina entre 1899 y 1957',' in the congress 'Mission und Evangelisierung als Thema von Synoden und Konzilien', organized by the School of Theology of the University of Freiburg.
Félix María Arocena participated in the V Rekolekcje liturgiczne Mysterium fascinansheld in Krakow (Poland). His lecture was entitled 'The Eucharist, Fullness of Christian Initiation'.
'Lines of fecundity of the current pope's thought' was the degree scroll of the discussion paper of Pablo Blanco in the workshop 'New instances of the Church', organized by the Library Services of Christian Authors' in Madrid'.
Juan Chapa, Francisco Varo, Gonzalo Aranda, Santiago Ausín and Pablo Edo intervened in the III International Biblical congress 'The Faces of God in the Bibleheld in Seville.
Juan Alonso gave the lecture 'Anthropology of the act of faith' within the XIII conference of Theology organized by the high school Theological Compostela under the degree scroll 'Rediscovering the path of faith: to know it, to celebrate it, to live it'.
José Manuel Fidalgo, Deputy Director of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR), gave a lecture at lecture at IESE in Barcelona to more than a hundred teachers and school administrators from Catalonia. He spoke on 'The New Evangelization in pedagogical core topic . Líneas de work para la training cristiana en la escuela'.
Enrique Moros spoke on 'Freedom and Possibility' at the congress International 'Transcendental Freedom. Meaning, scope, dimensions and perspectives of freedom in Leonardo Polo's thought'.', which was held at campus.