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In the shoes of... Luis Cianciardo


30 | 11 | 2023


What better place to talk about life than Faustino on a rainy afternoon. That's where we met Luis Cianciardo, a 2nd year medical student, compatriot of Leo Messi and passionate about Argentine rock.

Luis is one of the "Tantaka Ambassadors", a figure that has emerged this year to publicize among students the activities of volunteer activities in which they can collaborate or the training sessions offered at the University's Solidarity Time Bank. "In one way or another, all the careers we study here are to serve others. That's why I think that if the best way to develop ourselves staff and professionally is to give to others, why not do it from before leaving the University?" he explains.

Between phrases of Charly García, ice creams of uncertain flavors and a sincere apology of giving oneself to live, today we put ourselves in the shoes of one of the "Tantaka Ambassadors".

1. Don't think about it too much: favorite ice cream
The Tramontana, an Argentinean ice cream. That flavor... You can't explain it, you have to try it.

2. If you had not studied Medicine, what would you do?
At that time, my second choice was Psychology, but right now I would say Law and Philosophy.

3. Song, book, movie
"Canción para mi muerte", by Charly García; "Historia de dos ciudades", by Dickens; and No news on the front.

4. Best time of the day
When I get home, around seven o'clock and average, because I spend all day at the University... It is the time to be with my family.

5. With which current person would you have a coffee?
Charly García. I love Argentine rock and he is the best.

6. What would be the first question you would ask him?
You will continue to release music, won't you?

7. The best gift you've ever received
I have no doubt about it. A stethoscope that my uncle, who is also a doctor, gave me for Christmas. It is special, because it was the one my grandmother had given him when he started degree program. That stethoscope is a treasure and it is also very good.

8. Christmas Eve or Epiphany
Christmas Eve, 100%.

9. A good steak or a good hamburger?
A good steak, of course. As an Argentinean I can't say anything else, they take away my National Identity Card. 

10. One fear?
Spiders, I can't.

11. Favorite Disney movie
WALL-E, without a doubt.

12. Favorite corner of the world
In Paternain, where I live. If you follow a path and walk for about twenty minutes, you get to a kind of cliff with a view... I love that place.

13. Any topic that you could talk about for hours?
Any one; I talk too much... But come on, Argentine rock.
Ariel Rot?
Shut up, shut up.

14. Guiltypleasure?
There are times when I get out of the gym and I think "Today is the day". So I go to Carrefour and buy some Oreos. It's crazy. 

15. To finish: an epic phrase or quotation
As Charly García said, "The music is already written".



