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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (March 2021)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated in online activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.


31 | 03 | 2021

Emotional culture and identity

Inés OlzaInés Olza participated in the XXVII Jornades de Comunicació Blanquerna of the Universitat Ramon Llull with the discussion paper 'Un año de metáforas: el Public discourse, arma de doble filo durante la pandemia', (Barcelona, 15-16/03/2021).

Esther LinaresEsther Linares attended virtually to the roundtable 'Humor inteligente: Humor and Gender Perspective' organized by the high school Quevedo del Humor of the University of Alcalá de Henares, (Alcalá de Henares, 12/03/2021).

Ana Belén MartínezAna Belén Martínez attended several online events in Sweden and Denmark. Attended the congress "Trust Me! Truthfulness and Truth Claims across average" organized by the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (Växjö, Sweden, 9-12/03/2021).

He also listened to the University of Southern Denmark's 'Uses of Literature: The Social Dimensions of Literature', lecture (Odense, Denmark, 24/03/2021).

Public discourse

Ruth Breeze offered the invited discussion paper 'Nationalism and populism on the radical right: discursive approaches to populist claims and style' during the seminar 'Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe' at the Free University of Brussels (Brussels, Belgium, 16/03/2021).

He also gave the paper 'Spider Woman beats Hulk: Baroness Hale and the prorogation of parliament' at the congress 'Spotlight on courts' of the department of Specialized Language and Intellectual Communication of the University of Lodz, (Lodz , Poland, 4-5/03/2021).

Dámaso IzquierdoDámaso Izquierdo delivered the discussion paper "On the edge of hate speech and incitement to terrorism: exploring the role of mitigation in a controversial case" at the congress 'Linguistic and Social Aspects of Hate Speech in Modern Societies' at the University of Southern Denmark, (Odense, Denmark, 22-23/03/2021).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Silvia Carlos ChillerónSilvia Carlos Chillerón participated in the virtual congress CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections) 2021 with an oral communication on epidemiology (San Francisco, USA, 8/03/2021).


group 'Mind-brain

Javier BernácerJavier Bernácer gave the online lecture 'Neuroscience: Myths, Realities and Challenges' organized by the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation (Madrid, 23/03/2021).

Miguel García ValdecasasMiguel García Valdecasas offered the seminar 'Does the selected effects theory explain away functional causality?' at the group of research by Prof. Terry Deacon, University of Berkeley-California, (Berkeley, USA, 03/03/2021).

Navarra Center for International Development

Ignacio CampomanesIgnacio Campomanes participated in the CSAE Conference 2021 Economic Development in Africa with the discussion paper 'Foreign Aid and Fiscal Policy', organized by the Center for the Studies of African Economies of the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK, 24/03/2021).

In addition, he delivered the paper 'Inequality and Growth: How Social Mobility Reshapes the Main Theoretical Channels' during the SEEK Workshop on Social Mobility and Economic Performance of the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, (Manheim, Germany, 22-23/03/2021).

David SolerDavid Soler attended virtually the webinar 'A new front for jihadism' of Casa África where he gave the seminar 'What is happening in Mozambique', (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 04/03/2021).

He also moderated the webinar 'New Expectations for the African Union' organized by the Club of Rome and esglobal (Madrid, 22/03/2021).

ATLANTES Programme

Alazne BelarMarina MartínezAlazne Belar y Marina Martínez  attended the workshop Arinduz 2021 of the Basque Palliative Care Society where they jointly presented the workshop'Communication in difficult situations: how to explore and respond to dying wishes', (San Sebastian, 11/03/2021).

Miguel Sánchez CárdenasMiguel Sánchez Cárdenas participated as guest speaker in the Latin American Virtual workshop of Palliative Care ALCP 2021 "The transformation of the art of caring" where he presented the Latin American Atlas of Palliative Care 2021, (Bogota, Colombia, 27/03/2021).

He also attended virtually the annual lecture of the association Nacional Mexicana de Bioética and offered the panel 'Avance de la legalización de la eutanasia en México: retos y perspectivas', (Mexico City, Mexico, 24/03/2021).

Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat HerreroMontserrat Herrero delivered the lecture 'Charismatic Politics: Relics and the Power of Resurrected Bodies' at the Seminar series 'The Political Imaginarium: Image, Object, Gesture' organized by the University of Lancaster and Kingston University London, (UK, 19/03/2021).

Alvaro Fernández de CórdovaÁlvaro Fernández de Córdova attended virtually congress International: 'In the paradise of the altars Trajectory, privilege and idiosyncrasy of the ecclesiastical elites in the Ancient Regime SS. XVI-XVIII' organized by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, 4-5/03/2021).

Youth in transition

Claudia López Madrigal
Claudia López Madrigal
 gave the seminar 'The Role of Gender and Age in the Emotional Well-Being Outcomes of Young Adults' during the 2nd International webinar on clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: "Improving Psychiatry & Psychology Health to benefit and develop Humanity Against COVID-19" of Scientific Meditech, (Kington, UK, 19/03/2021).



