25 estudiantes de ciencias de la Universidad de Navarra realizan el I módulo del Diploma en Gestión y Creación de Empresas de Ciencias
25 science students from the University of Navarra take the I module of the Diploma in management and Creation of Science Companies.
This first part of the course has gone in depth on the business in the field of science through 9 sessions and a roundtable
The first module of the Diploma of management and Creation of Science Companies, given by the Foundation business -University of Navarra in partnership with the School of Sciences, has counted in its first edition with 25 students of Degree and postgraduate program, who have received 9 talks and attended a roundtable on the business environment in the area of sciences.
The lectures, structured on case studies, workshops and sharing of impressions by the students, focused on topics such as protocol in business and professional image, creativity applied to the daily work or work in team and management of conflicts.
This first module will be followed by two others that will be held annually and that students will be able to take throughout the degree program. The second module -to be held in the 2011-12 academic year- will emphasize the management of companies from the business vision of different Departments, and the third (2012-13 academic year) will focus on how to become an entrepreneur.
The Diploma, promoted by the Foundation business-University of Navarra at partnership with the School of Sciences, is open to all Science students, although the issue number of places is limited. Also, next October a new group will take again the first module of Diploma.