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7 students graduate in the XXIV Promotion of the licentiate degree of the School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy

31/05/13 08:29 Isabel Solana
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The XXIV graduating class.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells

7 students have joined graduate in the XXIV Promotion of the licentiate degree of the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy of the University of Navarra. The students come from 7 countries: Philippines, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Uganda, Mexico and Chile.

The program began with a Mass at chapel of Amigos Building. This was followed by an academic ceremony at the classroom Magna of the Schools Eclesiasticas, in which the delegate of the 5th year of high school program, Christian Sevro Conde Manuel, and the sponsor of the graduating class, Jose Maria Pardo, took part. After submission of scholarships and medals, the Dean of the School of Theology, Juan Chapa, said a few words.

The workshop ended with the 'Regina Caeli' at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love de la Virgen del Amor Hermoso.

XXIV Promotion of the licentiate degree of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy

Marvin Corbita Palomares (Philippines)

Luis Vicente Delgado Flores (Ecuador)

Mario Vladimir Estrada Pacheco (El Salvador)

Manuel Leguía Mendoza (Peru)

Alex Mbonimpa (Uganda)

Ignacio Ramirez Estrada (Mexico)

Nicolás Vergara Correa (Chile)



