Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name (May 2013)
PhD dissertations
Three doctoral thesis have been defended in the School of Theology: 'The spiritual ethos in the Adolescents of St. Basil of Caesarea. A philological approach', by Pawel Blazewicz; 'La studiositas y su lugar en el organismo cristiano de las virtudes', by Jesús Núñez Valero; and 'Las Cofradías de la Sangre en el Reino de Valencia', by Baltasar Moros Claramunt.
Activities outside the campus
Pablo Blanco delivered the discussion paper 'The Faith in the Year of the Faith. The Contribution of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI' at the congress Wiare wyznawac, celebrowac, prezezymac, held at the John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow. He also offered the lecture 'A symphonic synthesis. The theological thought of Joseph Ratzinger' at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
César Izquierdo gave the lecture 'Ethics, Religion and Democracy' at the high school of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious programs of study of the Academy of Sciences of Almaty (Kazakhstan).
Félix María Arocena participated in the study workshop 'The liturgy, summit and source of evangelization', organized by the high school Superior of Liturgy of Barcelona. He spoke on 'Evangelization from the syntagm Te Verbum caro factum est. Foundations and pastoral consequences'.
Juan Antonio Gil Tamayo gave a session for the clergy of the Archdiocese of Mérida-Badajozin the framework of a workshop on 'The priest and the new evangelization'. His intervention took by degree scroll 'The figure of the priest in the Fathers of the Church', within a workshop on 'The priest and the new evangelization'.