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"The humanistic training projects us into the future and allows us to respond to the great uncertainties and challenges of our time."

This was emphasized by president, María Iraburu, during the celebration of the University's Identity workshop organized by the Institute. Core Curriculum


The University hosted the celebration of the X Identityworkshop of the Core Curriculum Institute. The event, which coincided with the 25th anniversary of the center, was attended by the president, María Iraburu, who pointed out that "humanistic training projects us into the future and allows us to respond to the great uncertainties and challenges of our time". She also referred to the importance for professors of "discovering our vocation as academics". "The ICC acts as a catalyst for humanistic training to permeate university life from within". 

For his part, Professor Ricardo Piñero, director of the Institute Core Curriculum, defined the work as the task of "polishing a diamond brought by the founder of the University". In this way, the Core Curriculum "is part of our DNA, we are like a great beehive that, infiltrated in the classrooms, tries to carry out a mission statement that is too big for us". 

Christian humanism, reflection and virtues

The workshop continued with the interventions of José María Torralba, former director of the ICC, who reviewed the main milestones of the Institute; and Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá, Full Professor of Philosophy Moral of the Complutense University of Madrid, who stressed the importance of stopping to think: "thinking is not a luxury for human beings. A life without reflection is an impoverished life". 

Claudia VanneyFinally, he intervened Claudia VanneyDirector of the Institute of Philosophy and member of the committee Superior of the Universidad Austral (Argentina), with the discussion paper Intellectual virtues for a university professor, researcher, student. According to the expert, "one of the essential virtues for university professors, students and researchers is humility, which allows them to know and assume their own limits and recognize mistakes". She also underlined other virtues such as intellectual curiosity, autonomy, open-mindedness, depth, rigor and courage.

The Institute Core Curriculum has the mission statement to promote the humanistic training that the University of Navarra offers to its students and professors. This work has been present since the founding of the University, but was organized in 1998 through the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics. Precisely to celebrate this anniversary, the bookCore Curriculum: La aventura de enseñar a pensar ( : The adventure of teaching to think) has been published. Published by EUNSA, it gathers the history of the institute and the lessons of the aims of the Education. 



