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28 | 06 | 2022

36 University students develop campaigns for the prevention of substance abuse


28 | 06 | 2022

conference to foster a vocation for engineering in young people.

ImagenPaula Berroa


28 | 06 | 2022

The University facilitates business innovation thanks to the science of data and artificial intelligence.

ImagenDavid Domenech


27 | 06 | 2022

The University awards the scholarship of Honour for Sport to Miguel Indurain, in the act of presentation of the Olympic History of Navarre.

ImagenManuel Castells


27 | 06 | 2022

Santiago Collado, new Dean of the School Eclesiastica de Philosophy

ImagenManuel Castells


27 | 06 | 2022

Juan Chapa, appointed director of the Spanish Bible association

ImagenManuel Castells


27 | 06 | 2022

Celebration of the Feast of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, founder of the University

ImagenManuel Castells


24 | 06 | 2022

The University's Chair of Navarrese Art and Heritage is organising a cycle on the theme of San Fermín

ImagenWikimedia commons Username Zarateman


24 | 06 | 2022

Plant protein nanoparticles for controlling diabetes, overweight and obesity

ImagenManuel Castells


24 | 06 | 2022

Carlos Mata and Rafael Zafra, from GRISO, participate in the academic conference of the "V Festival de Autos Sacramentales" (V f.AU-S) held in Almagro.




