Decade 10
70 years of history
Institute for Culture and Society (ICS)
In 2010, the first projects of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) were launched and its principal investigators were incorporated.
50th Anniversary of ADA
In 2010, the association de Amigos celebrated its 50th Anniversary. There was an academic ceremony and a Mass on the esplanade of today's Ismael Sánchez Bella Building, presided by Chancellor, Bishop Javier Echevarría, which was attended by 4,000 people.
Gold Medal to María Teresa Igúzquiza
In 2010, María Teresa Igúzquiza, administrative assistant of the last five rectors, received the University's Gold Medal. It was the first time that this distinction was awarded to a member of the staff Administration and Services.
School of Nursing and ISEM
In 2011, the School of Nursing, which had started in 1954, became School.
In the same year, the ISEM Fashion Business School, based in Madrid, was established as a center of the University. -
Gold Medal to Alejandro Llano
Alejandro Llano, Full Professor of Metaphysics, received the Gold Medal of the University in 2011. Llano was Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters (1981-1989) and President (1991-1996).
New honorary doctorates
On October 27, 2011, the University awarded the doctorate 'honoris causa' to painter Antonio Lopez (School of Architecture), Cardinal Pèter Erdö (School of Canon Law) and jurist Joseph Weiler (School of Law).
Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, President
In 2012, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero was appointed President , Full Professor of business Informativa. He replaces Ángel J. Gómez Montoro at position . He was the first President who was also a former student of the University.
Amigos Building
In 2012, the Amigos Building, designed by Juan Miguel Otxotorena, was inaugurated. It houses the Schools of Economics, Law and ISSA School of Applied Management; and some central services of the University.
Gold Medals
At official opening of the academic year 2012/2013, the University Gold Medal was awarded to José María Bastero, President between 1996 and 2005; and to Francisco Errasti, director of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (1984-1997) and of the CIMA (2002-2013).
ISSA moves to Pamplona
In 2013, coinciding with its 50th anniversary, ISSA School of Applied Management moved to Pamplona, along with the rest of the degrees of Degree in Social Sciences. It did so progressively, so the San Sebastian building still continued with its usual activity.
School of Education and Psychology
The growth of the School of Philosophy and Letters in recent years, led the University to create, in 2013, a new School, that of Education and Psychology.
Beatification of Don Álvaro del Portillo
In September 2014, the beatification of Don Álvaro del Portillo, the second Chancellor of the University, took place.
To remember his figure, a exhibition was inaugurated, and an academic act and a Mass of thanksgiving were celebrated. -
New high school Mayor in San Sebastian
In 2015, work began on Eva Enea (former headquarters of ISSA School of Applied Management in San Sebastian) to convert it into the. high school Mayor Jaizkibel. Juan Miguel Otxotorena led the project refurbishment.
Jaizkibel was inaugurated a year later with capacity for 54 residents. -
University of Navarra Museum
On January 22, 2015, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain presided over the inauguration of the University of Navarra Museum, whose building was designed by Rafael Moneo. More than 1,500 guests attended the various inaugural events.
Gold Medals
In 2016, the University presented the Gold Medal to Dr. Jesús Prieto, pioneer of the School of Medicine, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the CIMA; to María Ángeles Sánchez, Director of Nursing at the Clinic (1998-2003); and to Pilar Sesma, Dean of the School of Sciences (1990-2005).
Fernando Ocáriz, new Chancellor
In December 2016, Chancellor, Bishop Javier Echevarría, passed away.
His successor, Fernando Ocáriz, visited the University for the first time in January 2018, to preside over a tribute ceremony at his report. -
New Clínica headquarters in Madrid
In autumn 2017, Clínica Universidad de Navarra began its healthcare activities at its new headquarters in Madrid.
In January 2018, its official inauguration took place, attended by numerous authorities and half a thousand guests. -
Campus Madrid
The President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, presided in 2018 over the official inauguration of the University's new campus in Madrid. The new Alumni building houses the University's postgraduate program offerings and is the venue for numerous events.
Green Flag Award
In 2018 the University was awarded, for the first time, with the international award 'Green Flag Award', a recognition of the management integral of its green areas.
Since then, the campus of Pamplona has obtained the award every year. -
New honorary doctorates
In 2019 the University awarded the doctorate 'honoris causa' to Rafael Moneo (School of Architecture), Margaret S. Archer (ICS), Ruth Fine (School of Philosophy and Letters) and Robert Picard (School of Communication). The Chancellor, Fernando Ocáriz, presided over the ceremony, which was held in the Museum's theater.