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Alejandro Llano, President of the University of Navarra between 1991 and 1996, died today in Pamplona at the age of 81. Considered one of the most renowned philosophers in Spain, he was Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the academic center and president of the former Institute of Anthropology and Ethics (now the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics). Core Curriculum).

He was born on June 9, 1943 in Madrid and lived during his childhood in El Carmen (Asturias). After studying at the Universities of Madrid, Valencia and Bonn, he obtained his doctorate at the University of Valencia with a thesis on Kant's Metaphysics (1971). In 1976, he obtained the Chair of Metaphysics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and in 1977 he moved to the University of Navarra to teach Philosophy at the School of Philosophy and Letters, where he was Dean between 1981 and 1989. In 1991, he was appointed President of the University of Navarra, position which he held until 1996.

Together with Professor Rafael Alvira, who passed away last February, he was one of the promoters of the Institute business and Humanism (1986) and one of the main organizers of the Philosophical Meetings that have been held annually at the University for more than 50 years. In 2000 he was appointed president of the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics, now the Institute Core Curriculum. He was also a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas (2000) and received the degree scroll from honorary doctor by the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico (2005) and by the Universidad de Los Andes in Santiago, Chile (2014).

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His research focused mainly on the Philosophy of German idealism, with special accredited specialization to Immanuel Kant, as well as on questions of ontology and theory of knowledge in Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, with approaches of the logical-linguistic analysis. He also investigated aspects of political Philosophy , theory of culture and deontology. Author of numerous books, including "Phenomenon and Transcendence in Kant" (1973); "Ethics and Politics in the Democratic Society" (1981); "Science and Culture at the Service of Man" (1982); "The Future of Freedom" (1985); "Philosophy della Conoscenza" (1987); "Humanism in the business" (1991); or "The Enigma of Representation" (1999), among others. He has written more than one hundred articles and given nearly 150 lectures at universities around the world.


The funeral chapel will be set up on Wednesday, October 2, starting at 4:30 p.m. in the University's Degrees Hall.

The burial will take place on Thursday, October 3, at 12:45 p.m., at the Pamplona cemetery; and the funeral, at 7:30 p.m., at Amigos Building of the University. 


Alejandro Llano

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María Iraburu

"We are deeply saddened by the loss of teacher and former President Alejandro Llano. As happens with great teachers, he managed to be loved and admired at the same time. He combined simplicity and depth in his extraordinary figure of an academic in love with the University. He was a bold and suggestive thinker, whose contributions in various philosophical fields were very relevant and opened horizons to many disciples. And he also knew how to be a great professor, who enjoyed his classes with the passion of one who saw in each student a person with whom to dialogue in the search for truth".



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Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
Former President (2012-2022)

"Alejandro Llano was a Full Professor dedicated to his students, to whom he offered his time with generosity: he listened to their concerns, suggested readings, asked questions with skill and did not impose his criteria. He said that the mission statement of professors was not to colonize the minds of students, to introduce them into a pre-established mold, but to help them discover the truth of their own lives. His interlocutors felt understood and encouraged to behave magnanimously. Perhaps for that reason he directed 89 doctoral thesis and many people in Europe and America consider him their teacher".
