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Personalised Medicine



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"We care about the person who suffers".


25 | 04 | 2022



FotoManuel Castells

"Even if they share the same pathology, not all patients are the same. And that is why, sometimes, some people respond to a treatment and others do not". This reality, which Antonio Pineda-Lucena knows very well, is what lies behind personalised medicine or precision medicine. "What we are looking for is to be able to provide patients with the best treatment based on their own characteristics, mainly genotypic. In doing so, we try to ensure that the patient receives the most appropriate treatment from the outset. This will improve the clinical management of many diseases, and also the efficiency of health services.

In the picture

Antonio Pineda-Lucena coordinates the Personalised Medicine research area of Strategy 2025.

The University launched its Strategy 2025 at the beginning of 2021. The plan, oriented towards a sustainable developmentand care for people and the environment, has as one of its three axes the developmentof an impactful and focused research. This is where areaPersonalised Medicine, coordinated by Antonio, fits in.

With a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Centre for Biological Research (CSIC) in 1995, Antonio Pineda has worked in the Netherlands, Canada and the United Kingdom. In 2015 he joined the Hospital Universitario La Fe in Valencia, and in 2019 he arrived at the Hospital Universitario La Fe in Valencia. Cimawhere he currently combines his responsibilities as director of the Molecular Therapies and Translational researchProgramme with the Deputy Director of this institution.

"In Personalised Medicine we work to improve the diagnosis and treatment of different pathologies, but not only those with a high prevalence, such as oncological diseases. We are also committed to Rare Diseases, although they affect a much smaller issueof patients, because what matters to us is the person, and there is a person who suffers, a family that suffers," he says. The fact that the focus is on the person is also the reason why Palliative Medicine is another of the lines of researchcore topic . "We want to diagnose and treat these pathologies more effectively, whether they are oncological or rare, but also to accompany people when the disease is advanced".

In the picture

The two objectives that the University has set for itself at areain Personalised Medicine are diagnostic innovation and therapeutic innovation.

Rare Diseases, Oncology and Palliative Medicine. These are the three lines of researchincluded in the areaof Personalised Medicine. Lines in which the University has for some time now had groups of workof great international relevance. Groups in which, in addition, there is an important interrelation between the biomedical campus in Pamplona, with the Cima and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (also based in Madrid), and the technological campus in San Sebastian. This interrelation between researchers from different centres and with different technical skills is precisely one of the strengths of the areaPersonalised Medicine project. "Any of the projects we work on at Cima arise, in some way, from questions posed by the Clinic that we try to answer," explains Antonio. "In this sense, there is no projectin the Cima that is not participated by groups from researchclinics".

The two objectives that the University has set for itself at areain Personalised Medicine are diagnostic innovation and therapeutic innovation. In other words, to enable the use of state-of-the-art technologies to diagnose these diseases as early as possible and identify those groups of patients who share certain characteristics; and to develop new treatments, which are on the frontier of knowledgeand which allow these pathologies to be tackled in a much more comprehensive and effective way.

"We want to make visible the researchthat is done at the University in this area, to draw society's attention to these pathologies".

To these objectives, Antonio adds one more: "We want to make visible the research that is done at the University in this area, to draw society's attention to these pathologies". "Of course the dissemination of our workin Oncology, Rare Diseases or Palliative Medicine is important, but what really matters to us is the person who suffers, the patient and their family, and we want to draw attention, not only in the university environment, but in society as a whole, to these pathologies, to the difficulties and the therapeutic possibilities they have," he explains.

"For us, it is not only important to make research, but to transfer it to society. And we have to do that through the public-privatepartnership, through the creation of companies, and through open innovation," he concludes.

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