Oncology. research. Strategy 2025. University of Navarra
One in four people die from cancer and, if the global population is considered, it is already the leading cause of death. And despite the enormous advances made in recent decades, a significant proportion of cancer patients do not benefit from the therapeutic strategies currently available. At the same time, there is a group of tumors for which current treatments are not effective.
With almost five decades of tradition in clinical attendance to oncology patients and preclinical, translational and clinical research in cancer, the University of Navarra started in 2017 the development of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CCUN) with the goal to contribute more decisively to overcome this disease.
The Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CCUN) is the oncology center of the University of Navarra that integrates - in its two sites in Pamplona and Madrid - the healthcare, research and professor activities of the University of Navarra as a whole. It began its journey in 2017 as a joint initiative of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, the Cima University of Navarra and the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Science, Pharmacy and the Tecnun School of Engineering, although they reflect the evolution of more than 50 years of experience in cancer at our university.
As a Cancer Center, the CCUN makes a firm commitment to innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through solid multidisciplinary teams that develop a cutting-edge research , clinical trials and treatments based on the latest technology and evidence available.
As a fundamental part of its mission statement, the CCUN carries out an intense activity of training and training of health professionals and biomedical researchers.
A center of reference letter care and researcher in cancer patient care
Excellence in care
An oncology care program based on interdisciplinary areas, personalized medicine and research clinical and preclinical.
Medical and human care
Ensuring prevention, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of cancer patients and support for their families.
State-of-the-art technology
Latest diagnostic and therapeutic technology for precision diagnosis and the latest treatments to win the fight against cancer.
Boosting the research
Integrating the cancer research activity of Cima and the Clinic to develop new strategic fields in the fight against cancer.
A comprehensive view and multidisciplinary of cancer
The Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra has as mission statement to integrate, coordinate and promote the medical attendance , the research and the training in Oncology through an integral and interdisciplinary vision of cancer.
The SDGs, adopted globally, chart the way forward to end poverty, protect the planet and work towards peace and prosperity for people.
The project 'Oncology' aims to contribute in particular to the objectives "Health and well-being", "Education quality", "Gender equality", "Industry, innovation and infrastructure", "Peace, justice and strong institutions" and "Partnerships to achieve the goals".
- Academic output on the SDGs.
- Revenues from research, collected and settled, from private and public, domestic and international sources.
- Patents originated by the University.
- Sustainably sourced startups.