Published in
Diario de Navarra
Dolores Lopez
Professor of Human Geography
The news of the death of Professor Alban d'Entremont has deeply saddened all of us who shared with him his years at the University of Navarra, not only colleagues and students, but all of his staff, as he always had a word, a joke, a kind greeting for everyone.
In 1971, at the age of 22, he arrived in Pamplona, at the University of Navarra, and began his career in the area of Geography under the guidance of his teacher, Full Professor Manuel Ferrer, with whom he collaborated for more than three decades. He was a professor of reference letter in the teaching of territorial science at the University, not only among the students of Philosophy and Letters, but also in other Schools. His subject "Population, ecology and environment" was one of the most requested by students of Science and Economics, as well as the subject "Economic Geography", whose guide published by Chair became a reference in other universities.
Along with his work in the department of Geography and Territorial Planning, of which he was director between 1994 and 2011, he played a role core topic and precursor in the process of internationalization of the University of Navarra. His multilingualism, his knowledge not only because of his own biography, but also because of his areas of research (migrations, population, cities) of multicultural realities explain the suitability of his profile to direct the Institute of Liberal Arts (between 1991 and 1996) and before that to carry out government tasks in this same Institute and in the Institute of language and Spanish Culture. In those already distant years of the last century, the issue of foreigners at the University was small and Alban was one of the people who knew and cared for them best. On the occasion of the act of homage for his retirement, many colleagues from other parts of the world wanted to join virtually in this endearing and unforgettable day.
After retirement, he continued to go down daily to the Library Services of the University and it was common to find him in the corridors, showing his open and friendly personality, as well as in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. A person of deep convictions, he defended from his field of specialization program, Demography, the dignity and value of the person, of every human being, taking a stand against the fight against population that is so present, not only in many academic circles, but also in many current political agendas.
These letters, sample of esteem and remembrance of a very dear person cannot conclude without mentioning his family, of whom he was so proud. Proud both of his extended family of origin and of his Canadian homeland of Nova Scotia and of the beautiful family he formed with his beloved Teresa. Alban already considered himself half Riojan, the land of his wife. His love for his three children, Eduardo, Monica and Miguel, grew even greater with the arrival of his six grandchildren, whom we have seen growing up through the photos he never missed an opportunity to show us. Our love and prayers for Alban and all his family.