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Ramiro Pellitero, Professor of Theology

Education and consistency

Mon, 03 Mar 2014 12:46:00 +0000 Posted in

Benedict XVI already underlined the relevance of the witness staff and the authenticity of the educator, among the main aspects of the current educational urgency. In recent weeks, Pope Francis has returned to this line, in a way that can be synthesized in one word: coherence. This is particularly core topic in the Education of faith.

1. In his speech to the Congregation for Catholic Education (13-II-2014) he has highlighted three aspects: the value of dialogue, the preparation of educators and the disposition of Catholic educational institutions.

a) The value of intercultural dialogue has been underlined by a recent document of the Congregation for Catholic Education (*). To this purpose, Francis pointed out that the Catholic Education seeks an integral Education of persons, with plenary session of the Executive Council respect for the freedom of each student and for the methods proper to the school and academic environment; at the same time it presents "the Christian proposal , that is, Jesus Christ as the meaning of life, of the cosmos and of history".

Just as Jesus announced the good news of salvation in Galilee - a crossroads of races, cultures and religions - today we must also educate in a multicultural environment, combining creativity with fidelity to our own Catholic identity:

"The profound changes that have led to the increasing spread of multicultural societies require those who work in the school and university sector to engage in educational itineraries of confrontation and dialogue, with a courageous and innovative fidelity that knows how to bring the different 'souls' of multicultural society to find their Catholic identity".

b) The preparation of formators - Francis points out - must be a serious preparation that helps them to know how to communicate with young people:

To educate," the Pope observes, "is an act of love, it is to give life. And love is demanding, it requires the commitment of the best resources, awakening passion and patiently setting out on the road with young people. The educator in Catholic schools must first of all be very competent, qualified, and at the same time full of humanity, capable of being in the midst of young people with a pedagogical style, to promote their human and spiritual growth".

Francis emphasizes the value of witness and coherence staff of educators: "Young people need quality teaching and a set of values, not just statements, but witness. Coherence is an indispensable factor in the Education of young people. Coherence! You cannot grow, you cannot educate without coherence: coherence, testimony!"

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the permanenttraining both in the intellectual and spiritual field: "The educator himself needs a permanent training . It is necessary, therefore, to invest so that teachers and leaders can keep their professionalism high and also their faith and the strength of their spiritual motives. And also in this permanent training I allow myself to suggest the need for retreats and spiritual exercises for educators. It is good to do courses on such and such an argument, but it is also necessary to do courses of spiritual exercises, retreats, to pray! Because coherence is an effort, but above all it is a gift and a grace. And it is necessary to ask for it!"

c) The responsibility of educational institutions in relation to science and culture implies participating in intercultural dialogue, aware of the light that faith can bring: "Catholic academic institutions must not isolate themselves from the world, but must know how to enter courageously into the areopagus of today's cultures and enter into dialogue, aware of the gift they have to offer to all".

2. Two weeks later, in his homily of 27 February in Santa Marta, Francis returned to the question of the coherence of the Christian. After administering the sacrament of confirmation, he affirmed that to be a Christian means to bear witness to Jesus Christ: to be a person who"thinks like a Christian, feels like a Christian and acts like a Christian". It is the coherence of a Christian's life. "One can say he has faith, but if one of those things is missing, he is not a Christian, there is something wrong, there is a certain incoherence. And Christians who ordinarily live in incoherence do a lot of harm."

The letter of the Apostle James, the Pope notes, says that to defraud harvesters of their wages cries out to heaven (cf. Jas 5:4). And Jesus speaks very strongly against scandal, especially that caused to children (cf. Mk 9:42). These attitudes do great damage to faith and to the credibility of the Gospel. A whole Library Services of arguments about the existence of God would be of little use without the example of Christian coherence. On the other hand, it is precisely this example that serves to enable the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of non-believers who are distant or in need of training.

Hence the importance of the coherence that we have to ask for, since it is a gift:"Lord, may we be coherent'". " Lord, may I be consistent! Lord, may I never scandalize, may I be a person who thinks like a Christian, who feels like a Christian, who acts like a Christian!"

If we fall because of weakness, the Pope concludes, let us ask for forgiveness; because we are all sinners, we all have the capacity to ask for forgiveness and God never tires of forgiving:

"Let us go forward through life with Christian coherence, with the example of those who believe in Jesus Christ, who know that they are sinners, but who have the courage to ask for forgiveness when they make mistakes, and who are very afraid of scandalizing. May the Lord grant us all this grace".

In short, the coherence of the Christian educator is core topic to educate in the faith, which includes announcing it and transmitting it to many, beginning with his students. The relationship between Education and coherence, always essential, is today a priority.


(*) Congregation for Catholic Education , Educating to intercultural dialogue in the Catholic school: "Living together for a civilization of love", October 28, 2013.